Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How can I rewrite and rearrange the document in a more attractive style?

You should start off your garden by thinking small. It is best to start a small flower bed than to plant a big one. You can always add to your flower bed later. It is a good idea to draw a diagram of your yard. This way you can roughly sketch in where you want your flower bed to see how it looks. The type of flowers you want to plant will depend on the area you have picked for your flower bed. Some flowers grow well in the shade while others grow well in the sun.

The next decision you will need to make is what shape you would like your flower bed to be. Most flower beds are rectangular in shape. It is not the most artistic form, but it is easy to mow around. If you want to be artistic, we recommend a curved flower bed. An easy way to see how your flower bed will look would be to take a garden hose and lay it out, outlining the shape of the flower bed you desire. This way you can move the hose around until you become satisfied with the shape you want.

Once you are satisfied with how the hose outlines your flower bed, you are ready to start preparation for digging. The best way to proceed is to drive a lot of small stakes along the curve of the hose, about two feet apart. This will serve as a guide for spading the flower bed. You can remove the hose after all the stakes are in place. Another tip is to tie a string from stake to stake. This keeps you within your outline while digging.

Grass and flowers do not do well together, so you need to dig up the grass. Take a spade and follow the line of your string. Place the blade of the spade in line with the string and dig straight down. To make the removal of the grass easier, cut the grass into squares about four to six inches deep. Then you will need to pile the turf out of the way. If you have any bare spots on your lawn, be sure you clear out any large rocks, weeds, and other debris. Rake the dirt smooth after you finish all the digging and clearing.

How can I rewrite and rearrange the document in a more attractive style?
_____You can space over to indent the first line of the paragraph and then continue on.

_____You can then begin your next paragraph immediately beneath the first, so that your document appears more cohesive, and less "straggly" - more like a garden bed with borders.

_____It is a very nice article, by the way.

I tried to show you by example, but this forum does not seem to allow for indentation, so i substituted the lines. . .

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