them of junk and bottles and cans and taking them to a supermarket and recycling them fotr cash,then cleanig this lot of an overgrowth of weeds and grass and then after things are all cleared up you can turn that ugly lot into a beautiful garden just by planting all sorts of flowers and plants.there now,isnt that a great idea?
What do you think about useing empty lots and clearing---------?
it would be a great idea but permission from the owner and the city/town may have to gotten. Actually a community garden would be a better idea, that way it is possible for many people to enjoy the fruits of their labour.
Reply:It sounds good but you will have to get the owner's permission.
Reply:WONDERFUL IDEA!!!!!!!!!! I wish everyone thought like that!!!!!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Roundup to kill weeds?
I'm trying to totally clear a part of my yard that is under a tree. The ground is covered with weeds and is basically a thick weed wasteland right now. If I put down roundup to kill the weeds and everything else, how long will it before I can get anything else to grow in that area? Will it also kill the tree?
Roundup to kill weeds?
Roundup is basically inert within a few days. It kills whatever you spray it on, then it turns itself off. I don't know the exact time frame, but you can look on the back of the roundup bottle. It will not kill the tree, because it kills by being absorbed through the foliage. As long as you don't spray it on the tree directly (i.e. the leaves, branches, trunk), then your tree will be fine. Even when the round up gets washed into the dirt.
If you have more time, then I would recomend using some other method to kill all the weeds. Put down a few (5 or more) layers of newspaper, or some cardboard that hasn't been printed on. The newspaper is good because it's ink is soy based (most newspapers use soy based ink, you can check with the individual newspaper to make sure). Use only the regular black and white pages, NOT the color ads. So put down the newspaper, then wet it down with a hose. Put compost over it, and wait a few weeks. Technically, you don't have to wait to plant, but a few of the weeds are going to breach the newspaper barrier regardless, and more will breach it when whatever plant you put in sends roots down through the paper. You can make sure you don't have more weeds by using corn gluten. Just scatter some before you put down the newspaper, or mix it in with the compost. A WORD OF CAUTION - if you are trying to grow plants from seeds in this spot, DO NOT USE THE CORN GLUTEN!!! it's a pre-emergent, which means it keeps seeds from sprouting. Good against weed seeds, bad for whatever seeds you WANT to sprout.
Either way will work, but the non-roundup way is better for your yard and your immediate environment.
This may take a bit more work, however, it will work so well you'll be mailing me back at Christmas.
Go to the tree and step back one stride from the edge of the leaf growth. Place a stake or marker in the turf. Do this at four locations n-s-e-w. Make as, best you can, a true circle using these locations. From the base of the tree to these markers make a cutting of the grass/weeds.
Remove ALL the grass and weeds from the trunk to the markers. The stride you took away from the tree represents the dripline and the area where the tree will uptake both water and nutrients. Round the circle using this drip guideline. Use a shovel and, after removing the grass and weeds, make a trench along that circle for about three to four inches in depth. Push the soil toward the tree.
Depending on the type and height of the tree purchase fertilizer spikes in sufficient amounts. Also purchase either Dyclomec 5-G (generally at a Landscape Store) or Preen with weed control. DO NOT PUT DOWN A LANDSCAPE FABRIC!
The Preen will do fine, however, if you wish to use the spike fertilization, put the spikes in the trench at the recommended level. Do not use either the Dyclomec or Preen until the mulch is installed! These need to treat both the mulch and soil and will not help with the weeds if used before mulching.
Make another small (2") trench about one foot away from the tree. This will be your access in the future and protect the bark of the tree. Mulch with a shredded hardwood mulch at three inches from the front trench to a two inch level at the trunk level. Your front trench will keep the mulch from running off while the back will keep the main roots moist. Apply the Dyclomec or Preen after the mulching operation.
While hard to find (see Landscape Supplier) the Dyclomec 5G will kill weeds already in the soil and prevent them from growth for a season. One and Done. Round-Up is a weekly ordeal. The Preen is Good, however, you may find you need to apply again in early September as it has a shorter life.
Hope this helps. I'm at Good Luck.
Reply:Roundup is the only brand of chemical weed killer I use. I prefer boiling water to get rid of most weeds but sometimes I need something like Roundup to get rid of a whole bunch or just a couple of really tough weeds. Roundup is fairly safe as far as chemicals go. It doesn't leach into the surrounding soil like some other weed killers do. It shouldn't hurt the tree as long as you're careful not to spray it right on the tree but if a bit gets on the tree, it should be o.k. It's best to do this on a day that's not windy. Once you get rid of the weeds you're good to go since Roundup affects only those plants that are sprayed. It leaves no residue in the soil.
Reply:follow the directions and stick with a scotts owned brand- no it probably won't kill your tree, if you seed asap after the weeds die( post emergents speed up the growth and kill before they can germinate) you should be ok by summer.
Reply:Just in case you might want to consider the long term toxicity to more than the tree. There are long term studies in mice and rats beginning to show reproductive disfunctions. Glyphosate has been found to cause interference in reproductive chemistry specifically interfering in male testosterone production in mice and interfering with an estrogen biosynthesis enzyme in cultures of Human Placental cells
Differential Effects of Glyphosate and Roundup on Human Placental Cells and Aromatase, Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 113, No.6, 716-720
Williams GM, Kroes R, Munro IC. (2000) Safety evaluation and risk assessment of the herbicide Roundup and its active ingredient, glyphosate, for humans. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 31 (2): 117-165.
Reply:I don't believe it will kill the tree. After all the weeds die off I'd rake the soil or till it just to turn it over and be sure all the weeds were out. Then plant my grass seed. Be sure to water the seed regularly!! Good luck
Roundup to kill weeds?
Roundup is basically inert within a few days. It kills whatever you spray it on, then it turns itself off. I don't know the exact time frame, but you can look on the back of the roundup bottle. It will not kill the tree, because it kills by being absorbed through the foliage. As long as you don't spray it on the tree directly (i.e. the leaves, branches, trunk), then your tree will be fine. Even when the round up gets washed into the dirt.
If you have more time, then I would recomend using some other method to kill all the weeds. Put down a few (5 or more) layers of newspaper, or some cardboard that hasn't been printed on. The newspaper is good because it's ink is soy based (most newspapers use soy based ink, you can check with the individual newspaper to make sure). Use only the regular black and white pages, NOT the color ads. So put down the newspaper, then wet it down with a hose. Put compost over it, and wait a few weeks. Technically, you don't have to wait to plant, but a few of the weeds are going to breach the newspaper barrier regardless, and more will breach it when whatever plant you put in sends roots down through the paper. You can make sure you don't have more weeds by using corn gluten. Just scatter some before you put down the newspaper, or mix it in with the compost. A WORD OF CAUTION - if you are trying to grow plants from seeds in this spot, DO NOT USE THE CORN GLUTEN!!! it's a pre-emergent, which means it keeps seeds from sprouting. Good against weed seeds, bad for whatever seeds you WANT to sprout.
Either way will work, but the non-roundup way is better for your yard and your immediate environment.
This may take a bit more work, however, it will work so well you'll be mailing me back at Christmas.
Go to the tree and step back one stride from the edge of the leaf growth. Place a stake or marker in the turf. Do this at four locations n-s-e-w. Make as, best you can, a true circle using these locations. From the base of the tree to these markers make a cutting of the grass/weeds.
Remove ALL the grass and weeds from the trunk to the markers. The stride you took away from the tree represents the dripline and the area where the tree will uptake both water and nutrients. Round the circle using this drip guideline. Use a shovel and, after removing the grass and weeds, make a trench along that circle for about three to four inches in depth. Push the soil toward the tree.
Depending on the type and height of the tree purchase fertilizer spikes in sufficient amounts. Also purchase either Dyclomec 5-G (generally at a Landscape Store) or Preen with weed control. DO NOT PUT DOWN A LANDSCAPE FABRIC!
The Preen will do fine, however, if you wish to use the spike fertilization, put the spikes in the trench at the recommended level. Do not use either the Dyclomec or Preen until the mulch is installed! These need to treat both the mulch and soil and will not help with the weeds if used before mulching.
Make another small (2") trench about one foot away from the tree. This will be your access in the future and protect the bark of the tree. Mulch with a shredded hardwood mulch at three inches from the front trench to a two inch level at the trunk level. Your front trench will keep the mulch from running off while the back will keep the main roots moist. Apply the Dyclomec or Preen after the mulching operation.
While hard to find (see Landscape Supplier) the Dyclomec 5G will kill weeds already in the soil and prevent them from growth for a season. One and Done. Round-Up is a weekly ordeal. The Preen is Good, however, you may find you need to apply again in early September as it has a shorter life.
Hope this helps. I'm at Good Luck.
Reply:Roundup is the only brand of chemical weed killer I use. I prefer boiling water to get rid of most weeds but sometimes I need something like Roundup to get rid of a whole bunch or just a couple of really tough weeds. Roundup is fairly safe as far as chemicals go. It doesn't leach into the surrounding soil like some other weed killers do. It shouldn't hurt the tree as long as you're careful not to spray it right on the tree but if a bit gets on the tree, it should be o.k. It's best to do this on a day that's not windy. Once you get rid of the weeds you're good to go since Roundup affects only those plants that are sprayed. It leaves no residue in the soil.
Reply:follow the directions and stick with a scotts owned brand- no it probably won't kill your tree, if you seed asap after the weeds die( post emergents speed up the growth and kill before they can germinate) you should be ok by summer.
Reply:Just in case you might want to consider the long term toxicity to more than the tree. There are long term studies in mice and rats beginning to show reproductive disfunctions. Glyphosate has been found to cause interference in reproductive chemistry specifically interfering in male testosterone production in mice and interfering with an estrogen biosynthesis enzyme in cultures of Human Placental cells
Differential Effects of Glyphosate and Roundup on Human Placental Cells and Aromatase, Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 113, No.6, 716-720
Williams GM, Kroes R, Munro IC. (2000) Safety evaluation and risk assessment of the herbicide Roundup and its active ingredient, glyphosate, for humans. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 31 (2): 117-165.
Reply:I don't believe it will kill the tree. After all the weeds die off I'd rake the soil or till it just to turn it over and be sure all the weeds were out. Then plant my grass seed. Be sure to water the seed regularly!! Good luck
How do you say poison ivy in spanish?
My lawn service guys are mostly spanish-speaking and I DO NOT want them to get infected with poison ivy that I know is mixed in some wild trees and weeds they are going to clear out for me tomorrow. SO I really need to say something like BEWARE of poison ivy!! lol. They are from Mexico if that changes anything on how I should say it? THANKS! for any help anyone can offer :).
How do you say poison ivy in spanish?
Hiedra venenosa.
Reply:CUIDADO Hiedra Venenosa.
Peligro plantas venenosas, no tocar.
That will very likely keep them away from the plants.
How do you say poison ivy in spanish?
Hiedra venenosa.
Reply:CUIDADO Hiedra Venenosa.
Peligro plantas venenosas, no tocar.
That will very likely keep them away from the plants.
Why do people think weed is so bad?
I'm 27 years old and i have kids. And i respect my kids more than anything.So some times i have hard days at work and sometimes i have a hard time with focusing on things.So some times i leave and take a break to smoke a blunt and come back home i don't smell like it and my eyes are red but i use eye drops to clear them and i fell better i know its not right but it helps me why can't people undy that?
Why do people think weed is so bad?
Here are some reasons why I think it's bad:
It smells awful - like feces.
It makes you eat alot, and then have the runs thereafter (yeah, that's so cool).
People who are high get behind the wheel of a car and cause auto accidents.
People who are high steal, destroy property, and commit rape, but they think it's so funny.
People who are high randomly miss work, shirk responsibility, and think everything is a joke.
There are many other substances abused that cause people to do the same things, but it doesn't negate the fact that weed is a counter-productive scourge.
Reply:well maybe it's because weed is like a starter drug, then people who smoke it young usually go on to do harsher harder drugs with grave consequences, if that makes sense, now in your case you seem to have it under control but what about the next person?? they may not have it under control.
Reply:I totally know what you mean...NOW PASS THAT SHYT!!!
Reply:if your with some buddies its ok as long as u....
puff...puff....giiiive LOL
Reply:weed should be legalize
do you know how much of our taxes come from the tax on cigarettes
imagine if we were taxing weed
Reply:i always enjoy a fatty after work,it helps with stress!
Reply:Because it is a
"DRUG" a very bad
except not!
Reply:Unbelievable! You're old enough to know better than to do that while you have kids! You're not a kid who doesn't know any better and if you don't think your kids know what you're doing than you underestimate them. What a great example! Further, you know that what you're doing is wrong or you wouldn't be looking to us to give you permission to continue it.
Pot is a "gateway" drug." YOU may not intend to go any farther in the drug use, but your kids might since they already get from their dad that using pot is OK. It kills brain cells that you can't get back. It can lead to mental illness, especially schizophrenia. It can lead to gum disease as well as many others. You need to find a better way to unwind after work, if not for your sake, than for your kids.
Reply:Theres nothing wrong with it. I would rather see my papa getting high and mellow/happy then drunk loud and abusive, with vomitting and possible overdose..
Reply:Toke on ganja boy.
Reply:Its a drug
Reply:It kills your brain cells!
Reply:what's undy? you are a pothead you use drugs to deal with your problems and there is nothing worse than that what kind of respectable person smokes weed on the job at least do that crap at home I hate potheads degenerates I swear
Reply:They havent tried it. Simple.
The world is full of people who want to tell you what to do yet have no experience themselves. Tell em to fek off....
Reply:because society has rules, and drugs is bad mkayyyyyy is one of them
doesnt matter if they help you or not, society says its bad so its bad,
as long as you dont take it constantly, dont start to rely on it, and your health and mental heath are ok
and of course that your parenting skills are still up to par, then its allcool
we are all allowed a wind down,
some people drink, some dance, some go on yahoo answers, some eat chocolate by the barrel load and some do drugs of all kinds or one kind
dont acknowledge society's words cos society is unquestionably unreasonably judgmental
always will be
just always make sure your kids are safe and happy and ignore everyone else
its none of their business,
they just like to think it is
but if you look closely into their lives, you'll always be sure to find something that is deemed 'wrong' by society in there
cos people arnt perfect, society only wants them to be
Reply:Why so bad? If you do a little research you'll find that Industry, in particular the Chemical Industry, worked closely with the government to undermine the Hemp Industry- big in the 1920's and 1930's as makers of aircraft wings, clothes, oil, etc.- and introduce nylon. The problem to overcome was how. Industrial hemp is not a drug and boasted a very tough and durable duty product. The hook was that Americans enjoyed their fruit and vegetables but didn't want to work for it, so migrant farmers from Mexico and South America were encourage to come here and pick the crops. And guess what? The poor folks grew Industrial hemp's cousin, the familiar marijuana. The Nylon Industry mad dubious and false claims that all marijuana was bad and being imported to undermine our country. The government bought the deception because nylon was cheaper than hemp. That was at about the time the movie "Refer Madness" and a host of other propaganda films. Also marijuana is actually free grown at home and America could not tolerate any product that people could get for free. So the government allowed possession and use of marijuana, but only by coupon. Yes coupon! The hook was, of course, there were never any coupons printed. Over the years the propaganda became more and more intense until now it's simply illegal and equated with heroin. Fact: No one ever died from marijuana use. Ever. More folks die from using asprin than smoking pot. Tolerate fools but do what you want to do. There are worse things your kids can pick up- like bad information.
Why do people think weed is so bad?
Here are some reasons why I think it's bad:
It smells awful - like feces.
It makes you eat alot, and then have the runs thereafter (yeah, that's so cool).
People who are high get behind the wheel of a car and cause auto accidents.
People who are high steal, destroy property, and commit rape, but they think it's so funny.
People who are high randomly miss work, shirk responsibility, and think everything is a joke.
There are many other substances abused that cause people to do the same things, but it doesn't negate the fact that weed is a counter-productive scourge.
Reply:well maybe it's because weed is like a starter drug, then people who smoke it young usually go on to do harsher harder drugs with grave consequences, if that makes sense, now in your case you seem to have it under control but what about the next person?? they may not have it under control.
Reply:I totally know what you mean...NOW PASS THAT SHYT!!!
Reply:if your with some buddies its ok as long as u....
puff...puff....giiiive LOL
Reply:weed should be legalize
do you know how much of our taxes come from the tax on cigarettes
imagine if we were taxing weed
Reply:i always enjoy a fatty after work,it helps with stress!
Reply:Because it is a
"DRUG" a very bad
except not!
Reply:Unbelievable! You're old enough to know better than to do that while you have kids! You're not a kid who doesn't know any better and if you don't think your kids know what you're doing than you underestimate them. What a great example! Further, you know that what you're doing is wrong or you wouldn't be looking to us to give you permission to continue it.
Pot is a "gateway" drug." YOU may not intend to go any farther in the drug use, but your kids might since they already get from their dad that using pot is OK. It kills brain cells that you can't get back. It can lead to mental illness, especially schizophrenia. It can lead to gum disease as well as many others. You need to find a better way to unwind after work, if not for your sake, than for your kids.
Reply:Theres nothing wrong with it. I would rather see my papa getting high and mellow/happy then drunk loud and abusive, with vomitting and possible overdose..
Reply:Toke on ganja boy.
Reply:Its a drug
Reply:It kills your brain cells!
Reply:what's undy? you are a pothead you use drugs to deal with your problems and there is nothing worse than that what kind of respectable person smokes weed on the job at least do that crap at home I hate potheads degenerates I swear
Reply:They havent tried it. Simple.
The world is full of people who want to tell you what to do yet have no experience themselves. Tell em to fek off....
Reply:because society has rules, and drugs is bad mkayyyyyy is one of them
doesnt matter if they help you or not, society says its bad so its bad,
as long as you dont take it constantly, dont start to rely on it, and your health and mental heath are ok
and of course that your parenting skills are still up to par, then its allcool
we are all allowed a wind down,
some people drink, some dance, some go on yahoo answers, some eat chocolate by the barrel load and some do drugs of all kinds or one kind
dont acknowledge society's words cos society is unquestionably unreasonably judgmental
always will be
just always make sure your kids are safe and happy and ignore everyone else
its none of their business,
they just like to think it is
but if you look closely into their lives, you'll always be sure to find something that is deemed 'wrong' by society in there
cos people arnt perfect, society only wants them to be
Reply:Why so bad? If you do a little research you'll find that Industry, in particular the Chemical Industry, worked closely with the government to undermine the Hemp Industry- big in the 1920's and 1930's as makers of aircraft wings, clothes, oil, etc.- and introduce nylon. The problem to overcome was how. Industrial hemp is not a drug and boasted a very tough and durable duty product. The hook was that Americans enjoyed their fruit and vegetables but didn't want to work for it, so migrant farmers from Mexico and South America were encourage to come here and pick the crops. And guess what? The poor folks grew Industrial hemp's cousin, the familiar marijuana. The Nylon Industry mad dubious and false claims that all marijuana was bad and being imported to undermine our country. The government bought the deception because nylon was cheaper than hemp. That was at about the time the movie "Refer Madness" and a host of other propaganda films. Also marijuana is actually free grown at home and America could not tolerate any product that people could get for free. So the government allowed possession and use of marijuana, but only by coupon. Yes coupon! The hook was, of course, there were never any coupons printed. Over the years the propaganda became more and more intense until now it's simply illegal and equated with heroin. Fact: No one ever died from marijuana use. Ever. More folks die from using asprin than smoking pot. Tolerate fools but do what you want to do. There are worse things your kids can pick up- like bad information.
Marie D: Did you know the practice of the mindfulness of breathing helps develop our memory, concentration, &
focus ? I read your question, but the system only allows so many words. So I had to ask the question, in order to send the information to you.
In the mindfulness of breathing we use the breath as the object of our attention. We follow the physical sensations of the breath as it flows in and out of the body. This practice of discipline isn’t really a breathing exercise, for we allow the breath to flow naturally, as we observe it. So there is no control over the breath!
The first thing we learn as we practice this disciplinary practice is how distracted our minds are ! We’ll observe all sorts of distracting thoughts and feelings flowing into our minds, and discover that our attention is no longer on our breath. What comes into our minds is not actually very useful, it’s actually bad for us. For example, we feel impelled, driven anxiously, or being easily angered while thinking on something else, or worrying about something we need to accomplish = we are distracted, instead of attentively being in the present moment, following the sensations of our breath. The simple practice behind this disciplinary practice is that we keep bringing our attention back to the breath, over and over again, then our mind gradually quiets/calmns down, and we are content.
Preferably this is done with the eyes closed, to minimize distractions.
In the mindfulness of breathing we give our breath our full attention. We are simply following the physical sensations of the breath. We start off by following the breath. After a while what tends to happen is we forget all about the breath, as we are carried away by a chain of distracting thoughts, which usually have nothing to do with what we are to be giving our attention to, at this present moment. We usually do not make any conscious decision to think about something outside of this disciplinary practice on our breath, it just simply happens as habitual patterns of behavior come into play. In fact, not only do we not choose to get distracted, we do not have much of a choice at all !!
In essence, our habits are controlling us ! It is more like our thoughts are thinking us than we are thinking them ! The fact that we aren’t in control isn’t cause to become despondent – it’s the same for everyone most of the time. We have to become aware of how distracted we really are, before we can do anything about it. So what do we do when we are anxiously driven, worrying, angered, undermining ourselves, dozing off, or fantasizing about things we’d rather be doing ? These activities are not helpful, or fulfilling. And they’re definitely not things we decided to do, they are simply unwholesome habitual things we do when we are not fully aware, when we are not giving our full attention on the breath. These are hindrances to accomplishing one’s goal. There is a Big difference of being mindful, and not being mindful. If we can not be mindful with our breath, we can be mindful throughout our daily activities in life – whether at work, school, home, or wherever we are !! So how do we regain our Attention ? This is a crucial point in the mindfulness of breathing! We do not have to be driven by our unwholesome distracting habits. We can decide we no want to re-enter that distracting world, which are driven by unwholesome habits. We have the opportunity to cultivate our awareness by maintaining the mindfulness of the breath.
When we realize we’ve been distracted, with full attention, we take ourselves back to our breath.
We can choose not only what to do, by bringing our attention back to our breath, but also how we do it. There can be a strong temptation to be irritated with ourselves, and beat ourselves up over the head, when we’re distracted. But when we do this, we go right back into the uncontrolled habitual pattern of distractedness and we undermine ourselves, continuing to be annoyed or angry. A more creative response is that we take ourselves, our full attention to the breath with as much kindness and Patience AND Gentleness as we can! Instead of giving yourself a hard time about having been distracted, you can congratulate yourself on having brought full attention back to the breath with kindness, gentleness, and patience !! The mind has a natural tendency to wander, just like a young inquisitive animal. So there is no need in being harsh with yourself.
How do we develop awareness ? We go back to the breath, which serves as an anchor that helps us stay in complete awareness, to be alert in the present moment. We are practicing recognizing the difference between awareness and unawareness. And we are working on increasing our cognitive thinking skills, memory, concentration, focus, as well as developing the qualities of Patience, kindness, compassion, gentleness, and self-control that are so very important when we realize when we’ve been unaware – when we’ve just come out of being distracted and have regained our awareness. We are also training ourselves to stay out the hindrances. Becoming distracted is a bit like falling over when you’re a child. When we try to follow the breath it’s like we’ve decided to walk. But then after a few steps, we stumble, by being distracted. But we keep picking ourselves up, by going back to the breath. The way a child learns to walk is by taking a few steps, falling, then picking themselves up, over and over again. The way we learn to be build our mind, increase our memory, build more concentration, and to be more aware is by following the breath, getting distracted, and then going back to the breath – over and over and over again. This process builds up the quality of Patience within us.
How do we develop Calmness ?
Hindrances are not a very satisfying states of mind. Being annoyed, or fantasizing, or undermining ourselves, all involve a lot of mental disharmony. They cause turbulence in our minds, and we find that we are not very calm. The hindrances are states in which we are not very happy.
If we are fantasizing, for example – either about things we’d rather be doing, or about things we’re not happy about – then there’s emotional disharmony since we’re not happy what we’re doing. Spending less time in distracting states of mind means that we become more content.
And when we’re distracted then we’re not very concentrated - our mind is jumping from one topic to another like a monkey (this is what we call our monkey mind). This doesn’t mean we don’t experience anything very deeply – like when we’re talking to someone and we’re also preoccupied and realize they’ve been talking but we don’t know what they’ve said. That kind of thing doesn’t help us connect very deeply with our experience. And how can we reflect if we can’t keep up a focused train of thought ? And if we can not reflect, how then can we learn ?
Practicing mindfulness helps us to be more concentrated so that we can live more deeply, and appreciate life more fully !
As you prepare your body, then become more aware of the physical sensations of your breath. Whenever your mind wander, with patience, gently bring it back to the breath.
Then, count after each breath, starting at One, placing a number after each exhalation of breath. When you get to ten, then start again at one. Next, do the same as above, but counting just before each inhalation breath. Next, Narrow your focus, until you are concentrating on the physical sensations of the breath flowing over the rims of your nostrils.
Mindfulness of Breathing helps to be much more calm, at peace mentally, more focused, concentration well, in the present moment. And at the same time it energizes us, as it refreshes us within.
“In the long term it helps us to develop more awareness so that we have More freedom to choose what our responses are going to be in any given situation. In situations where we might worry, or be angry, or might be anxious, we can now choose instead to cultivate Patience, wisdom, understanding, and a calm, peaceful state of mind.”
Practicing Mindfulness is enormously enriching. Instead of being only half aware of what we are doing, we can fully and richly experience every moment of our lives. We’ll begin to enjoy our food more, but especially it will help us to concentrate much better at work, at home, and anywhere we are – in the present moment. It will help us to actually be more present when listening to our family’s and friends, not being distracted by roaming thoughts in our minds while the other person is speaking. It will help us to slow down our speech when speaking to another person, for rapid speech/talking fast, is always a sign of an anxious mind. We’ll begin to speak more slowly, calmly, with self-control, thus giving another our full attention. Many people also practice The Mindfulness of Breathing right before going to sleep, to give them a very calm, sound nights sleep.
You might be wondering, Why the Counting of the Breath ?
We train our mind, through counting, to keep us well focused.
It is very easy to just, as some say, “Space out”, instead of fully practicing the mindfulness of breathing. When we “space out”, we get distracted, without even realizing it. The counting helps to give us a more objective sense of how much of the time we are distracted, and how much we are remaining aware. Counting helps us to measure how long we are maintaining our awareness.
At first, it is even hard for us to really stay focused on our breath, for even five breaths. As we develop this discipline, we’ll find ourselves able to go through many cycles(of ten) breaths, before we are distracted. Counting the breath also gives us something to aim for - goal. The numbers help us to develop right effort, as well as to help us build endurance.
Everyone gets distracted, even those who have been practicing the mindfulness of breathing for years. It is like having a garden: the first stage in creating a beautiful garden is to realize how many weeds need to cleared away. Dealing with “the weeds” in your mind, brings you inner peace and happiness. It’s as if you’ve just inherited a beautiful garden, which is full of weeds. You just can’t pretend that the weeds aren’t there – you have to do something about them. It is like that with your mind. By just leaving it alone, it will just get worse. The best thing to do is to get started as soon as possible on clearing out those mind – weeds. If you ever feel frustrated with your distractions, then remember that when you’ve been distracted during mindfulness of breathing, you have a choice You can choose to exercise Patience and Gentleness with yourself or you can get impatient, angry, and despondent which will only make things worse. So, as the teenagers say, “Chill” and Patiently continue to clear those weeds from your wild monkey mind.
Sometimes you might find counting numbers boring and might want to drop the number altogether. This is often how the beginner feels. If you’ve finally developed a certain stillness and calmness, then you can “temporarily” drop the counting.
But this does not happen too often for the beginner. But most often, the desire to drop the counting is a resistance to structure from within us, or caused by the desire to be passive. Sometimes our mind would rather just daydream. Let us be honest with ourselves as to what our real motivation is.
If the numbers seem mechanical, then bear in mind that this is not inevitable – it’s a product of the way your mind is working.
If you approach the numbers mechanically, then they will seem to be only mechanical to you. But if you approach the numbers gracefully, and creatively, then they’ll seem natural and fluid.
One way to contact that natural fluidity is to place the numbers very lightly before and after the breath. Place the numbers very tenderly and with care, as if you are kissing your child on the cheek who has fallen asleep. However, if your mind is very distracted, then you should make the numbers more definite and firm. But try to do it with care.
Counting on your fingers working when your mind has been Very distracted; needs to be under control, to come back to the breath. You don’t actually move or touch your fingers, but simply bring your awareness to the fingers, counting on them.
When you are Really distracted this helps you to keep your mind more fully anchored than simply counting numbers.
This method can be used as a stabilizer, like training wheels for our mind. For some, it quite helpful.
After practicing The Mindfulness of Breathing for a few days, step back, and see how things are going. Learning this discipline, is not easy, it is a learned process.
Learning the Mindfulness of Breathing involves learning to see ourselves – our (so to speak) warts and all. It requires that we take full responsibility for our thoughts, the words we speak, and our actions, rather than using other people as scapegoats for our own failings, ie: you made me angry, you caused me to react this way, or that way.
There are always up and downs in learning any disciplinary skill. Anyone who has ever learned a new skill, like skiing, rollerblading, remembers possibly thinking “this is impossible, I’ll never learn this well, and maybe even regretting ever getting started.” It can be just like that with The Mindfulness of Breathing. But I’d like to remind you that you are not alone, and that you are going through a disciplinary process that many other people have gone through, and have come out of the other side of – successful, happy, and having peace of mind.
You do, however discover that you do have some problems, or may I call them, challenges, which you never knew you had. Before you may have just had an irritating co-worker, now you realize that you are responsible for all your own mental states, and that your irritabilities are the construction of your own mind. This realization is a shock, at first. Once you, and all of us, for that matter, realize that we are responsible for our own life, for our own mental and emotional states, then we come closer to cultivating the qualities in us, to counter act those unwholesome states. Mindfulness of Breathing is sometimes like an unflattering mirror. But without this practice, it can be very easy to delude ourselves in seeing ourselves as purer, more gentle, more patient, more kinder, more intellectual, more social, than we really are. Mindfulness of Breathing helps us to see things, and ourselves – as we really are. It polishes the mirror, helping us to clearly see things, situations, other people and especially ourselves as they really are. But we realize that it is best that we deal with things, which we actually have control over, namely – ourselves. And not to harshly judge others, but to take full responsibility for ourselves, our own minds.
The Path may even seem hard and rocky, the way at times may even seem impassible, but over time your stamina and resilience “will” improve, and so will your Patience, and Understanding.
How to see signs of improvement. Sometimes we do not see improvements within ourselves as quickly as others see the improvements in us. I have people tell me that you are more relaxed, less negatively reactive, more patient, and more friendly. Pay more attention to the fact that you have developed more continuity of awareness, alertness, and do not allow your thoughts to go astray. You are increasing you cognitive abilities, cultivating awareness, concentration, memory; pay attention to these facts. Slowing down in life, paying closer attention to the outside world, being fully present in each and every moment, is a very good indication of improvement. Becoming aware of your thoughts, as you think them, choosing carefully what to speak beforehand, and acting as well as reacting in a wholesome manner, are all excellent signs that you have made much improvement in your practice of your mindfulness of breathing.
You remember when you use to be quite impatient, and easily angered, and are now much more patient. You are able to catch your responses, choosing a more creative way to respond.
That calm, mental Peace is the umpire of your mind and heart !!
Marie D: Did you know the practice of the mindfulness of breathing helps develop our memory, concentration, %26amp;
Didn't you say that this was just for Jenfleur?;...
Or is it just spam?;...
In the mindfulness of breathing we use the breath as the object of our attention. We follow the physical sensations of the breath as it flows in and out of the body. This practice of discipline isn’t really a breathing exercise, for we allow the breath to flow naturally, as we observe it. So there is no control over the breath!
The first thing we learn as we practice this disciplinary practice is how distracted our minds are ! We’ll observe all sorts of distracting thoughts and feelings flowing into our minds, and discover that our attention is no longer on our breath. What comes into our minds is not actually very useful, it’s actually bad for us. For example, we feel impelled, driven anxiously, or being easily angered while thinking on something else, or worrying about something we need to accomplish = we are distracted, instead of attentively being in the present moment, following the sensations of our breath. The simple practice behind this disciplinary practice is that we keep bringing our attention back to the breath, over and over again, then our mind gradually quiets/calmns down, and we are content.
Preferably this is done with the eyes closed, to minimize distractions.
In the mindfulness of breathing we give our breath our full attention. We are simply following the physical sensations of the breath. We start off by following the breath. After a while what tends to happen is we forget all about the breath, as we are carried away by a chain of distracting thoughts, which usually have nothing to do with what we are to be giving our attention to, at this present moment. We usually do not make any conscious decision to think about something outside of this disciplinary practice on our breath, it just simply happens as habitual patterns of behavior come into play. In fact, not only do we not choose to get distracted, we do not have much of a choice at all !!
In essence, our habits are controlling us ! It is more like our thoughts are thinking us than we are thinking them ! The fact that we aren’t in control isn’t cause to become despondent – it’s the same for everyone most of the time. We have to become aware of how distracted we really are, before we can do anything about it. So what do we do when we are anxiously driven, worrying, angered, undermining ourselves, dozing off, or fantasizing about things we’d rather be doing ? These activities are not helpful, or fulfilling. And they’re definitely not things we decided to do, they are simply unwholesome habitual things we do when we are not fully aware, when we are not giving our full attention on the breath. These are hindrances to accomplishing one’s goal. There is a Big difference of being mindful, and not being mindful. If we can not be mindful with our breath, we can be mindful throughout our daily activities in life – whether at work, school, home, or wherever we are !! So how do we regain our Attention ? This is a crucial point in the mindfulness of breathing! We do not have to be driven by our unwholesome distracting habits. We can decide we no want to re-enter that distracting world, which are driven by unwholesome habits. We have the opportunity to cultivate our awareness by maintaining the mindfulness of the breath.
When we realize we’ve been distracted, with full attention, we take ourselves back to our breath.
We can choose not only what to do, by bringing our attention back to our breath, but also how we do it. There can be a strong temptation to be irritated with ourselves, and beat ourselves up over the head, when we’re distracted. But when we do this, we go right back into the uncontrolled habitual pattern of distractedness and we undermine ourselves, continuing to be annoyed or angry. A more creative response is that we take ourselves, our full attention to the breath with as much kindness and Patience AND Gentleness as we can! Instead of giving yourself a hard time about having been distracted, you can congratulate yourself on having brought full attention back to the breath with kindness, gentleness, and patience !! The mind has a natural tendency to wander, just like a young inquisitive animal. So there is no need in being harsh with yourself.
How do we develop awareness ? We go back to the breath, which serves as an anchor that helps us stay in complete awareness, to be alert in the present moment. We are practicing recognizing the difference between awareness and unawareness. And we are working on increasing our cognitive thinking skills, memory, concentration, focus, as well as developing the qualities of Patience, kindness, compassion, gentleness, and self-control that are so very important when we realize when we’ve been unaware – when we’ve just come out of being distracted and have regained our awareness. We are also training ourselves to stay out the hindrances. Becoming distracted is a bit like falling over when you’re a child. When we try to follow the breath it’s like we’ve decided to walk. But then after a few steps, we stumble, by being distracted. But we keep picking ourselves up, by going back to the breath. The way a child learns to walk is by taking a few steps, falling, then picking themselves up, over and over again. The way we learn to be build our mind, increase our memory, build more concentration, and to be more aware is by following the breath, getting distracted, and then going back to the breath – over and over and over again. This process builds up the quality of Patience within us.
How do we develop Calmness ?
Hindrances are not a very satisfying states of mind. Being annoyed, or fantasizing, or undermining ourselves, all involve a lot of mental disharmony. They cause turbulence in our minds, and we find that we are not very calm. The hindrances are states in which we are not very happy.
If we are fantasizing, for example – either about things we’d rather be doing, or about things we’re not happy about – then there’s emotional disharmony since we’re not happy what we’re doing. Spending less time in distracting states of mind means that we become more content.
And when we’re distracted then we’re not very concentrated - our mind is jumping from one topic to another like a monkey (this is what we call our monkey mind). This doesn’t mean we don’t experience anything very deeply – like when we’re talking to someone and we’re also preoccupied and realize they’ve been talking but we don’t know what they’ve said. That kind of thing doesn’t help us connect very deeply with our experience. And how can we reflect if we can’t keep up a focused train of thought ? And if we can not reflect, how then can we learn ?
Practicing mindfulness helps us to be more concentrated so that we can live more deeply, and appreciate life more fully !
As you prepare your body, then become more aware of the physical sensations of your breath. Whenever your mind wander, with patience, gently bring it back to the breath.
Then, count after each breath, starting at One, placing a number after each exhalation of breath. When you get to ten, then start again at one. Next, do the same as above, but counting just before each inhalation breath. Next, Narrow your focus, until you are concentrating on the physical sensations of the breath flowing over the rims of your nostrils.
Mindfulness of Breathing helps to be much more calm, at peace mentally, more focused, concentration well, in the present moment. And at the same time it energizes us, as it refreshes us within.
“In the long term it helps us to develop more awareness so that we have More freedom to choose what our responses are going to be in any given situation. In situations where we might worry, or be angry, or might be anxious, we can now choose instead to cultivate Patience, wisdom, understanding, and a calm, peaceful state of mind.”
Practicing Mindfulness is enormously enriching. Instead of being only half aware of what we are doing, we can fully and richly experience every moment of our lives. We’ll begin to enjoy our food more, but especially it will help us to concentrate much better at work, at home, and anywhere we are – in the present moment. It will help us to actually be more present when listening to our family’s and friends, not being distracted by roaming thoughts in our minds while the other person is speaking. It will help us to slow down our speech when speaking to another person, for rapid speech/talking fast, is always a sign of an anxious mind. We’ll begin to speak more slowly, calmly, with self-control, thus giving another our full attention. Many people also practice The Mindfulness of Breathing right before going to sleep, to give them a very calm, sound nights sleep.
You might be wondering, Why the Counting of the Breath ?
We train our mind, through counting, to keep us well focused.
It is very easy to just, as some say, “Space out”, instead of fully practicing the mindfulness of breathing. When we “space out”, we get distracted, without even realizing it. The counting helps to give us a more objective sense of how much of the time we are distracted, and how much we are remaining aware. Counting helps us to measure how long we are maintaining our awareness.
At first, it is even hard for us to really stay focused on our breath, for even five breaths. As we develop this discipline, we’ll find ourselves able to go through many cycles(of ten) breaths, before we are distracted. Counting the breath also gives us something to aim for - goal. The numbers help us to develop right effort, as well as to help us build endurance.
Everyone gets distracted, even those who have been practicing the mindfulness of breathing for years. It is like having a garden: the first stage in creating a beautiful garden is to realize how many weeds need to cleared away. Dealing with “the weeds” in your mind, brings you inner peace and happiness. It’s as if you’ve just inherited a beautiful garden, which is full of weeds. You just can’t pretend that the weeds aren’t there – you have to do something about them. It is like that with your mind. By just leaving it alone, it will just get worse. The best thing to do is to get started as soon as possible on clearing out those mind – weeds. If you ever feel frustrated with your distractions, then remember that when you’ve been distracted during mindfulness of breathing, you have a choice You can choose to exercise Patience and Gentleness with yourself or you can get impatient, angry, and despondent which will only make things worse. So, as the teenagers say, “Chill” and Patiently continue to clear those weeds from your wild monkey mind.
Sometimes you might find counting numbers boring and might want to drop the number altogether. This is often how the beginner feels. If you’ve finally developed a certain stillness and calmness, then you can “temporarily” drop the counting.
But this does not happen too often for the beginner. But most often, the desire to drop the counting is a resistance to structure from within us, or caused by the desire to be passive. Sometimes our mind would rather just daydream. Let us be honest with ourselves as to what our real motivation is.
If the numbers seem mechanical, then bear in mind that this is not inevitable – it’s a product of the way your mind is working.
If you approach the numbers mechanically, then they will seem to be only mechanical to you. But if you approach the numbers gracefully, and creatively, then they’ll seem natural and fluid.
One way to contact that natural fluidity is to place the numbers very lightly before and after the breath. Place the numbers very tenderly and with care, as if you are kissing your child on the cheek who has fallen asleep. However, if your mind is very distracted, then you should make the numbers more definite and firm. But try to do it with care.
Counting on your fingers working when your mind has been Very distracted; needs to be under control, to come back to the breath. You don’t actually move or touch your fingers, but simply bring your awareness to the fingers, counting on them.
When you are Really distracted this helps you to keep your mind more fully anchored than simply counting numbers.
This method can be used as a stabilizer, like training wheels for our mind. For some, it quite helpful.
After practicing The Mindfulness of Breathing for a few days, step back, and see how things are going. Learning this discipline, is not easy, it is a learned process.
Learning the Mindfulness of Breathing involves learning to see ourselves – our (so to speak) warts and all. It requires that we take full responsibility for our thoughts, the words we speak, and our actions, rather than using other people as scapegoats for our own failings, ie: you made me angry, you caused me to react this way, or that way.
There are always up and downs in learning any disciplinary skill. Anyone who has ever learned a new skill, like skiing, rollerblading, remembers possibly thinking “this is impossible, I’ll never learn this well, and maybe even regretting ever getting started.” It can be just like that with The Mindfulness of Breathing. But I’d like to remind you that you are not alone, and that you are going through a disciplinary process that many other people have gone through, and have come out of the other side of – successful, happy, and having peace of mind.
You do, however discover that you do have some problems, or may I call them, challenges, which you never knew you had. Before you may have just had an irritating co-worker, now you realize that you are responsible for all your own mental states, and that your irritabilities are the construction of your own mind. This realization is a shock, at first. Once you, and all of us, for that matter, realize that we are responsible for our own life, for our own mental and emotional states, then we come closer to cultivating the qualities in us, to counter act those unwholesome states. Mindfulness of Breathing is sometimes like an unflattering mirror. But without this practice, it can be very easy to delude ourselves in seeing ourselves as purer, more gentle, more patient, more kinder, more intellectual, more social, than we really are. Mindfulness of Breathing helps us to see things, and ourselves – as we really are. It polishes the mirror, helping us to clearly see things, situations, other people and especially ourselves as they really are. But we realize that it is best that we deal with things, which we actually have control over, namely – ourselves. And not to harshly judge others, but to take full responsibility for ourselves, our own minds.
The Path may even seem hard and rocky, the way at times may even seem impassible, but over time your stamina and resilience “will” improve, and so will your Patience, and Understanding.
How to see signs of improvement. Sometimes we do not see improvements within ourselves as quickly as others see the improvements in us. I have people tell me that you are more relaxed, less negatively reactive, more patient, and more friendly. Pay more attention to the fact that you have developed more continuity of awareness, alertness, and do not allow your thoughts to go astray. You are increasing you cognitive abilities, cultivating awareness, concentration, memory; pay attention to these facts. Slowing down in life, paying closer attention to the outside world, being fully present in each and every moment, is a very good indication of improvement. Becoming aware of your thoughts, as you think them, choosing carefully what to speak beforehand, and acting as well as reacting in a wholesome manner, are all excellent signs that you have made much improvement in your practice of your mindfulness of breathing.
You remember when you use to be quite impatient, and easily angered, and are now much more patient. You are able to catch your responses, choosing a more creative way to respond.
That calm, mental Peace is the umpire of your mind and heart !!
Marie D: Did you know the practice of the mindfulness of breathing helps develop our memory, concentration, %26amp;
Didn't you say that this was just for Jenfleur?;...
Or is it just spam?;...
How long will it take for me to get weed out of my system?
Its been months and months maybe even a year since I last smoked weed. Sunday night I smoked half a blunt with one person. I smoked the other half monday after noon. And then last night I smoked two blunts. both times with 2 other people. Im currently looking for a job and will probably need a drug test. How long you think it'll take for me to get this stuff out of my system? I dont really have money for that stuff that clears your system so any tips or ideas please?
How long will it take for me to get weed out of my system?
at least 30 days, but sometimes it takes up to 60. if you need to take the drug test immediately, you could try borrowing someone else's pee. just have a friend who doesn't smoke pot pee in a zip lock bag and keep the bag in your armpit to keep it warm until you pour it into the cup. i've also heard that drinking a ton of water can help get it out a few days faster, but i wouldn't trust that.
Reply:It depends on your body. THC is stored in your fat cells (are you overweight? - if you are it will take longer) For a chronic user who is overweight it can take 6 weeks.
For a average weight person with light use, it would be between 1-2 weeks. Can you buy a drug test at the pharmacy? They are about $20 - take it 10-14 days from the last time you smoked to be sure before you take the employment test. And remember this stress so you don't use again. Good luck buddy!
Reply:15 to 30 days
Reply:Doesn't matter how much water you drink, but it will take approx 4-6 weeks for the weed to be out of your system.
Reply:it usually takes about a month. If they ask for a drug test just let them know that you will not be able to take one for .... because and then give them an excuse
Reply:naturally, you are looking at 4-6 weeks while NOT SMOKING AT ALL
You can buy a tea called "Naturally Kleen" that works really well...but you need to know when you will be drug tested. You drink a bunch of tea beforehand, then you are clean for a window of 3-5 hours
Reply:drink lots of fluids. and it will take about 6 weeks.
Reply:I've heard that it takes up to 30 days for the THC to leave your system because it is stored in your fatty tissues.
One way that I've heard of to beat the test is to get someone else (like a kid) to pee in a baggie for you, hide it in your pants (to keep it at body temperature) and "pee" into the cup by making a small hole in the baggie.
How long will it take for me to get weed out of my system?
at least 30 days, but sometimes it takes up to 60. if you need to take the drug test immediately, you could try borrowing someone else's pee. just have a friend who doesn't smoke pot pee in a zip lock bag and keep the bag in your armpit to keep it warm until you pour it into the cup. i've also heard that drinking a ton of water can help get it out a few days faster, but i wouldn't trust that.
Reply:It depends on your body. THC is stored in your fat cells (are you overweight? - if you are it will take longer) For a chronic user who is overweight it can take 6 weeks.
For a average weight person with light use, it would be between 1-2 weeks. Can you buy a drug test at the pharmacy? They are about $20 - take it 10-14 days from the last time you smoked to be sure before you take the employment test. And remember this stress so you don't use again. Good luck buddy!
Reply:15 to 30 days
Reply:Doesn't matter how much water you drink, but it will take approx 4-6 weeks for the weed to be out of your system.
Reply:it usually takes about a month. If they ask for a drug test just let them know that you will not be able to take one for .... because and then give them an excuse
Reply:naturally, you are looking at 4-6 weeks while NOT SMOKING AT ALL
You can buy a tea called "Naturally Kleen" that works really well...but you need to know when you will be drug tested. You drink a bunch of tea beforehand, then you are clean for a window of 3-5 hours
Reply:drink lots of fluids. and it will take about 6 weeks.
Reply:I've heard that it takes up to 30 days for the THC to leave your system because it is stored in your fatty tissues.
One way that I've heard of to beat the test is to get someone else (like a kid) to pee in a baggie for you, hide it in your pants (to keep it at body temperature) and "pee" into the cup by making a small hole in the baggie.
Can anyone in Scotland answer this legal question?
I live in Scotland and years ago we paid Fue Duty for a shared drive way. We bought our own Fue 1980 Around the 60's an owner sold a huge house, this was divided in to 2 flats ,didn't sell the ground. Since then it really means the owner of the ground and ourselves are the only ones with the right to use this driveway/lane. The owner of the ground is long since dead,his grandson inherited land. Umpteen planning applications have been turned down to build on this as amongst other things there is a main sewage pipe running through this and it is very close to a river. At one time it went to The Court of Appeal in Edinburgh but turned down. Now again planning permission is going to be applied for. My house was built around1890 and for building access, heavy plant would be required to go down where we have shared access, apart from other things there are huge old trees to be cleared. I have maintained for 36 yrs often rechipping, weeding etc. Can I claim from owner for maintainance?
Can anyone in Scotland answer this legal question?
Feudal Duty was abolished in 2000 and therefore unless you had a written agreement that set forth the value of your maintainence you cannot sue or claim from the current owner.
Any burdens (so called) under the Feudal Agreement and fees agreed under Feu Duties are no long applicable unless again you can prove that the value of your work from a written agreement has now exceeded that original agreement.
If you are tired of the umpteen planning permissions that have been turned down by the same owner I believe you can put an end to them by challenging them in court under General Nuisance laws. Contact an lawyer to see your options.
%26lt;EDIT%26gt; Right so you received a Feuduty redemption cert in 1978 which under the Tenure act nullified the previous agreement? (now it's me asking the question! Ha!)
If there was an agreement in place with the previous owner that existed after the 1974 act and it was in good faith and good standing any future owner (even in the case of death of an existing land owner and even after the 2000 reform) must honour that agreement - at least that is my interpretation of the law.
If you've got the previous agreement in writing you can enforce it on the existing owner for current and future maintenance and possibly even for an agreed amount of back maintenance but only if you can locate at least one or two of the back receipts.
I stand by my point that you can try to prevent any future planing for a specific type of building. I can't remember the name of it but a lawyer should be able to help.
I'll have a look around and see what I can come up with.
Can anyone in Scotland answer this legal question?
Feudal Duty was abolished in 2000 and therefore unless you had a written agreement that set forth the value of your maintainence you cannot sue or claim from the current owner.
Any burdens (so called) under the Feudal Agreement and fees agreed under Feu Duties are no long applicable unless again you can prove that the value of your work from a written agreement has now exceeded that original agreement.
If you are tired of the umpteen planning permissions that have been turned down by the same owner I believe you can put an end to them by challenging them in court under General Nuisance laws. Contact an lawyer to see your options.
%26lt;EDIT%26gt; Right so you received a Feuduty redemption cert in 1978 which under the Tenure act nullified the previous agreement? (now it's me asking the question! Ha!)
If there was an agreement in place with the previous owner that existed after the 1974 act and it was in good faith and good standing any future owner (even in the case of death of an existing land owner and even after the 2000 reform) must honour that agreement - at least that is my interpretation of the law.
If you've got the previous agreement in writing you can enforce it on the existing owner for current and future maintenance and possibly even for an agreed amount of back maintenance but only if you can locate at least one or two of the back receipts.
I stand by my point that you can try to prevent any future planing for a specific type of building. I can't remember the name of it but a lawyer should be able to help.
I'll have a look around and see what I can come up with.
I have a wild lemon tree in my back yard. but the lemons aren't very good. anything i can do?
I just moved here two years ago, my husband inherited the land, so i'm slowly cleaning up (pulling out, cutting down bushes and weeds that have turned into trees!) i found the lemon tree today, loaded with lemons that are the size of golf balls and hard, and full of large seeds. the tree is pretty large, and way above my head. i'm in mid GA. I didn't think lemons could grow in our climate. Any suggestions on how to tame this tree?? oh and the thorns are an inch long! and it's also surrounded by other trees/bushes the same size and with an old barn only 6 feet on the West. i have a lot of clearing out to do.
I have a wild lemon tree in my back yard. but the lemons aren't very good. anything i can do?
clean up the area around the tree, trim it back to a managable size and remove all the lemons from the tree. feed it heavily with a citrus food and compost mixed into the soil in an area the size of the drip line [ as far out as the branches reach before pruning.] water well and allow to winter over. in the spring, water well and deep a couple of times per week and feed on a regular basis. by the end of next season, you should see a marked improvement in fruit size and quality.
Reply:are you sure it's a lemon tree?
didn't know lemon trees had thorns. be careful
most fruit trees have to be sprayed annually so the bugs don't get to them.
Reply:i didn't know that a lemon had thorns either.....
"The true lemon tree reaches 10 to 20 ft (3-6 m) in height and usually has sharp thorns on the twigs......." the rest of the article has a lot of good info. see link below.
Reply:this is funny. make lemonade. Use it for a vodka lemon/lime cocktail. Invent a new drink, enjoy your gift
I have a wild lemon tree in my back yard. but the lemons aren't very good. anything i can do?
clean up the area around the tree, trim it back to a managable size and remove all the lemons from the tree. feed it heavily with a citrus food and compost mixed into the soil in an area the size of the drip line [ as far out as the branches reach before pruning.] water well and allow to winter over. in the spring, water well and deep a couple of times per week and feed on a regular basis. by the end of next season, you should see a marked improvement in fruit size and quality.
Reply:are you sure it's a lemon tree?
didn't know lemon trees had thorns. be careful
most fruit trees have to be sprayed annually so the bugs don't get to them.
Reply:i didn't know that a lemon had thorns either.....
"The true lemon tree reaches 10 to 20 ft (3-6 m) in height and usually has sharp thorns on the twigs......." the rest of the article has a lot of good info. see link below.
Reply:this is funny. make lemonade. Use it for a vodka lemon/lime cocktail. Invent a new drink, enjoy your gift
Marijuana can give you acne?
I have had pretty bad acne for about 7 years, in those years, i have been smoking massive amounts of weed, i meen massive, like an ounce every two days, or more. Thats about 32 grams a day, which is about 16 blunts, 32 joints. And so i started gettin real bad panic attacks and chest pains, and couldnt breathe very good. So i quit smoking, and within a week my pretty severe acne has cleared up i would say about 80%, still have some scars, but for the most part, its all gone. 7 years of acne, which i struggled with for so long, and quitting weed clears it up in one week? How is that possible, was weed maybe messing up my hormones or something? I am 17 years old.
Marijuana can give you acne?
It may not be sex hormone-related since most sex hormones don't seem to be affected by marijuana use [Effects of chronic marijuana use on testosterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, prolactin and cortisol in men and women, Drug and alcohol dependence, 1991 Aug;28(2):121-8]. However, the amount that you're smoking would be keeping your cortisol levels elevated constantly [Acute effects of smoking marijuana on hormones, subjective effects and performance in male human subjects, Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior, 1986 Jun;24(6):1749-54].
"Produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress, the hormone cortisol stimulates the sebaceous glands, triggering the production of extra oil. This increases the incidence of comedones, causing acne breakouts." [from]
For more on the physiological effects of marijuana and how quitting may help you in the long-term, search for 'marijuana' at
Reply:I suffered from Acne for about 3 years and not able to find out a single product that works on my skin. After trying Derma Cleanse acne treatment system also known as the 3 step system has,I stop searching for any other product as it works on my skin.
As per Zenmded this product works from the inside out and stimulate immune system in order to destroy radicals and bacteria that causes acne. In end it helps me to cure acne breakouts.
It recommends to use the acne cleanser for at least 4 weeks at the full dosage. The effects varies from person to person but you should be able to see the results usually from week 5 to week 8. Thanks Zenmed for such a useful product. Really amazed with results.
Reply:If you suffer from mild, moderate or even severe hemorrhoid symptoms, instant relief is just a click away. Try Zenmed ZIRO, Zenmed Hemorrhoid System. I found this product one day while surfing the internet and thought I would give it a try. To my delight it worked right away.
I have been using the product for about one month now, and I must admit having relief from the pain and burning is priceless.
I would not hesitate to suggest for anybody that suffers from hemorrhoids.
Marijuana can give you acne?
It may not be sex hormone-related since most sex hormones don't seem to be affected by marijuana use [Effects of chronic marijuana use on testosterone, luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, prolactin and cortisol in men and women, Drug and alcohol dependence, 1991 Aug;28(2):121-8]. However, the amount that you're smoking would be keeping your cortisol levels elevated constantly [Acute effects of smoking marijuana on hormones, subjective effects and performance in male human subjects, Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior, 1986 Jun;24(6):1749-54].
"Produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress, the hormone cortisol stimulates the sebaceous glands, triggering the production of extra oil. This increases the incidence of comedones, causing acne breakouts." [from]
For more on the physiological effects of marijuana and how quitting may help you in the long-term, search for 'marijuana' at
Reply:I suffered from Acne for about 3 years and not able to find out a single product that works on my skin. After trying Derma Cleanse acne treatment system also known as the 3 step system has,I stop searching for any other product as it works on my skin.
As per Zenmded this product works from the inside out and stimulate immune system in order to destroy radicals and bacteria that causes acne. In end it helps me to cure acne breakouts.
It recommends to use the acne cleanser for at least 4 weeks at the full dosage. The effects varies from person to person but you should be able to see the results usually from week 5 to week 8. Thanks Zenmed for such a useful product. Really amazed with results.
Reply:If you suffer from mild, moderate or even severe hemorrhoid symptoms, instant relief is just a click away. Try Zenmed ZIRO, Zenmed Hemorrhoid System. I found this product one day while surfing the internet and thought I would give it a try. To my delight it worked right away.
I have been using the product for about one month now, and I must admit having relief from the pain and burning is priceless.
I would not hesitate to suggest for anybody that suffers from hemorrhoids.
Is a chamomile lawn a good idea?
Chamomile is a herb, and a possible grass substitute. I've been told I have pH-neutral soil. I've recently cleared 20 square metres of ground and dug and re-dug the soil, in preparation for a lawn. With a lack of weeds growing, I figured the soil was acidic and added some lime. One possibility for me is a chamomile lawn. That was without knowledge of what chamomile needs - an acidic lawn! Should I bother trying to make the lawn more acidic? Is it worth it for this chamomile lawn?
Is a chamomile lawn a good idea?
The lawn pH is the least of your problems. Are you planning on walking on it? It may be pretty to look at, but it doesn't handle foot traffic well. I know because I planted some around my child's playhouse and it was trampled to death and that is bad because Chamomile grows like a weed.
Reply:Have tried the same thing but hate to tell you, without success. The earth was (is) the wrong sort. Now I just have an ordinary lawn, but I still hanker after a scented lawn. However, I'm on your side, and I would certainly try to make your lawn more acidic, and get that chamomile lawn! When you tread gently on it in bare feet at 6am it gives you the most heavenly fragrance (my parents had one).
Reply:great idea but a lot of hard work until it is established.
Reply:Now you have added lime it will last in the soil for a good few years, in truth you will be flogging a dead horse trying to get the pH right and I would say chamomile isn't worth the trouble.
Reply:What a charming idea you anorak.
Reply:try planting a small part first %26amp; if it seems to be fine then plant the lot.
Is a chamomile lawn a good idea?
The lawn pH is the least of your problems. Are you planning on walking on it? It may be pretty to look at, but it doesn't handle foot traffic well. I know because I planted some around my child's playhouse and it was trampled to death and that is bad because Chamomile grows like a weed.
Reply:Have tried the same thing but hate to tell you, without success. The earth was (is) the wrong sort. Now I just have an ordinary lawn, but I still hanker after a scented lawn. However, I'm on your side, and I would certainly try to make your lawn more acidic, and get that chamomile lawn! When you tread gently on it in bare feet at 6am it gives you the most heavenly fragrance (my parents had one).
Reply:great idea but a lot of hard work until it is established.
Reply:Now you have added lime it will last in the soil for a good few years, in truth you will be flogging a dead horse trying to get the pH right and I would say chamomile isn't worth the trouble.
Reply:What a charming idea you anorak.
Reply:try planting a small part first %26amp; if it seems to be fine then plant the lot.
Can i still be a firefighter if I have had a misdemeanor?
I'm a juvenile and i want to be a firefighter. Last year i was smoking weed at the park and got caught by the police. They gave me a citation and i went to court for it. The judge only gave me a 10-hour juvenile drug program. I finished it and now my record is cleared. Would this disqualify me to be a firefighter? Also....I know my record has been cleared but I have heard that they can still find out and give a lie detector test. I'm stressing out HELP!!!
Can i still be a firefighter if I have had a misdemeanor?
Today yes because your records will be sealed. If you had a felony, no. Certain agencies are fighting for the ability to open up sealed records during background checks. Don't know if the fire department is one of them.
martial arts shoes
Can i still be a firefighter if I have had a misdemeanor?
Today yes because your records will be sealed. If you had a felony, no. Certain agencies are fighting for the ability to open up sealed records during background checks. Don't know if the fire department is one of them.
martial arts shoes
Does anyone know how to turn an overgrown field into a nice green lawn without major expense?
when our house was put in the weeds in the lot were chest high and they only cleared enough for the house and the driveway. wth the new house and a new child i don't have the money to throw on landscaping the "field"
Does anyone know how to turn an overgrown field into a nice green lawn without major expense?
Mow it down...can make a first pass with a weed wacker if necessary...then rake it up or mulch it.
Put Round up on it. Wait for it to take effect, see directions.
After plants and existing grass is dead. Rent Rototiller and Rototill it
Plant it with a good seed for your area
Keep it moist for fourteen days
Try to keep new grass from drying out until you have mowed it at least four times
Fertilize it in early fall with weed and feed after summer heat is over
Reseed in Mid September
Fertilize again in late October
Next spring aerate and reseed again.
Reply:I faced exactly the same problem as you do presently, when I moved into my current place. I have a house in rural Texas that has 5 acres of pasture surrounding it.
The cheapest way I found to deal with the problem was to hire someone with a tractor and shredder attachment. To get the whole 5 acres of pasture down to a size that my mower could deal with, took the contractor about 5 hours and cost me $175 (you will find that they normally charge by the "tack hour").
The day after he had finished the job, I went out with a ride on and went over the whole lot again. I then left it for a few days and repeated the same thing with the mower. After that, I just kept mowing it about once per week.
I found that within the space of a few weeks or so, I had the lawn type look, that I had originally desired.
Reply:Sorry, but the picture perfect, weed-free, lush green lawn you want is very very expensive to get and maintain. I don't know what you consider "major expense," but renting a bobcat yourself to level everything, seed it and cover it in hay will run you about $1,000 - $2,500 (depending on the size of your lot). Then you need to water, fertilize (seasonally), weed-proof (pre-emergent in the early spring)... Of course, the money you spend on your house will be the best investment you will likely ever make. Wy didn't you budget for this in your purchase?????
Reply:I live 30 miles west of Chicago. We bought this abandoned house with much higher weeds. We got a bush hog from the rental place and took down everything. Yes the field keeps trying to come back but we keep cutting.
Join a garden club. Everybody there has something they have too much of. Your yard now probably has native shrubs brought to you by the birds, dig them up before you bush hog.
If you are on a well you should watch what chemicals you use on weeds. Good luck!
Reply:You say field. A large field ? or more like a city lot ? The cheap way is to rent a large mowing mechine and mow it down. Then there is the issue of seeding then watering then mowing, buying a lawn mower. So there is really no cheap way out. But I understand not wanting to live in a weed patch either. Good luck
Reply:the only thing I could think of his just cut the lawn and add weed killer and get a little grass seed and spread it. I am thinking that just a little of weed killer and grass and a long mole.
Reply:Hose it down with Roundup, wait a couple of weeks, till the surface soil and reseed. I like to apply a thin cover of sphagnahm moss to hold the seed down and keep the birds off.
Reply:That won't happen - I suggest you start saving and plan on paying a landscape designer.
Reply:Round Up, till it, rake it smooth and reseed
Reply:Astrobuf has the best way. It's the way I paid pro's to do it for me.
Does anyone know how to turn an overgrown field into a nice green lawn without major expense?
Mow it down...can make a first pass with a weed wacker if necessary...then rake it up or mulch it.
Put Round up on it. Wait for it to take effect, see directions.
After plants and existing grass is dead. Rent Rototiller and Rototill it
Plant it with a good seed for your area
Keep it moist for fourteen days
Try to keep new grass from drying out until you have mowed it at least four times
Fertilize it in early fall with weed and feed after summer heat is over
Reseed in Mid September
Fertilize again in late October
Next spring aerate and reseed again.
Reply:I faced exactly the same problem as you do presently, when I moved into my current place. I have a house in rural Texas that has 5 acres of pasture surrounding it.
The cheapest way I found to deal with the problem was to hire someone with a tractor and shredder attachment. To get the whole 5 acres of pasture down to a size that my mower could deal with, took the contractor about 5 hours and cost me $175 (you will find that they normally charge by the "tack hour").
The day after he had finished the job, I went out with a ride on and went over the whole lot again. I then left it for a few days and repeated the same thing with the mower. After that, I just kept mowing it about once per week.
I found that within the space of a few weeks or so, I had the lawn type look, that I had originally desired.
Reply:Sorry, but the picture perfect, weed-free, lush green lawn you want is very very expensive to get and maintain. I don't know what you consider "major expense," but renting a bobcat yourself to level everything, seed it and cover it in hay will run you about $1,000 - $2,500 (depending on the size of your lot). Then you need to water, fertilize (seasonally), weed-proof (pre-emergent in the early spring)... Of course, the money you spend on your house will be the best investment you will likely ever make. Wy didn't you budget for this in your purchase?????
Reply:I live 30 miles west of Chicago. We bought this abandoned house with much higher weeds. We got a bush hog from the rental place and took down everything. Yes the field keeps trying to come back but we keep cutting.
Join a garden club. Everybody there has something they have too much of. Your yard now probably has native shrubs brought to you by the birds, dig them up before you bush hog.
If you are on a well you should watch what chemicals you use on weeds. Good luck!
Reply:You say field. A large field ? or more like a city lot ? The cheap way is to rent a large mowing mechine and mow it down. Then there is the issue of seeding then watering then mowing, buying a lawn mower. So there is really no cheap way out. But I understand not wanting to live in a weed patch either. Good luck
Reply:the only thing I could think of his just cut the lawn and add weed killer and get a little grass seed and spread it. I am thinking that just a little of weed killer and grass and a long mole.
Reply:Hose it down with Roundup, wait a couple of weeks, till the surface soil and reseed. I like to apply a thin cover of sphagnahm moss to hold the seed down and keep the birds off.
Reply:That won't happen - I suggest you start saving and plan on paying a landscape designer.
Reply:Round Up, till it, rake it smooth and reseed
Reply:Astrobuf has the best way. It's the way I paid pro's to do it for me.
Urine test how long does coke stay in your system?
I just took a drug test today....Everything came back clear except the Thc and Coke... Truthfully i did about and eight ball 3 1/2 grams on the 2nd of this month tested today on the 11th...but i have'nt smoked weed in a year...Is the test messed up?she said the test was incluclusive that it would be sent to the lab for further testing.. Every where I have looke says coke stays in ur system only 2-3days... So Should i worry?
Urine test how long does coke stay in your system?
yes you should
Reply:I don't know about coke, but THC should pass from your system in a few months (If I remember correctly).
Urine test how long does coke stay in your system?
yes you should
Reply:I don't know about coke, but THC should pass from your system in a few months (If I remember correctly).
What garden vegetables are useful in the kitchen and the plant doesn't take up a lot of space?
I am looking for a garden vegetable that is commonly used in food and doesn't take up large amounts of room. I don't have a lot of space cleared for gardening at this point, but I am working to expand it. Also, I'd like a vegetable that is known for being abundant so maybe I could share with the family/neighbors.
For the last 3 years or so, I have done pumpkins, zuchinni( I have no idea how to spell that) and melons. But, this was a huge mistake in my case because the vines crawled all over the place- and cleaning up all that in the fall wasn't exactly a trip to the beach, either.
I have grown tomatoes in recent years, also- and have had a good turnout every time. I realize they don't take up a lot of room, but I'm looking for something different. And I am thinking to stay away from herbs, too- knowing the way I am I wouldn't be able to tell them apart form weeds!
What kind of vegetables do you recommend?
What garden vegetables are useful in the kitchen and the plant doesn't take up a lot of space?
You have tried all the favorite ones ..Cucumbers are a good one..Its a vine so you can train them to grow along a trellis or fence and off the ground. Tomatos are good but you grew them. Potatos are good but you gots to dig them up to harvest. Bush bearns are allways welcome. You can grow them on A fence if you get the climbing kind, or put a six foot stick in the ground and they will climb up it..The list does not end. I plant 32 tomato plants, Corona cucumbers in a green house, They dont do well outside..(English type) unless you live in a hot climate. string beans, onlions radishes and my favorite is all the lettuce varieties which takes up little room and you have lots to give away
Reply:if you can't tell a weed from a basil plant i'd say your in the wrong hobby lol but a a really fun vegetable to grow and give to neighbors I find is peppers cayenne or jalapeno and colored bell as well. Also strawberrys arent that hard to grow and give a pretty good yield although the neighbors might walk over and take them themselves.
Reply:You can do salad greens in a hanging planter.
Reply:Well, you mentioned tomatoes, you can also grow peppers, onions, and radishes. You could also try a few heads of lettuce or broccoli even cauliflower. Hope this helps.
Reply:you can grow potatoes in a large pot
or carrets in a long tube such as a 1 metre 6 inch soil pipe standing up right of course.
strawberries can be grown in pots, hanging tubes etc!
For the last 3 years or so, I have done pumpkins, zuchinni( I have no idea how to spell that) and melons. But, this was a huge mistake in my case because the vines crawled all over the place- and cleaning up all that in the fall wasn't exactly a trip to the beach, either.
I have grown tomatoes in recent years, also- and have had a good turnout every time. I realize they don't take up a lot of room, but I'm looking for something different. And I am thinking to stay away from herbs, too- knowing the way I am I wouldn't be able to tell them apart form weeds!
What kind of vegetables do you recommend?
What garden vegetables are useful in the kitchen and the plant doesn't take up a lot of space?
You have tried all the favorite ones ..Cucumbers are a good one..Its a vine so you can train them to grow along a trellis or fence and off the ground. Tomatos are good but you grew them. Potatos are good but you gots to dig them up to harvest. Bush bearns are allways welcome. You can grow them on A fence if you get the climbing kind, or put a six foot stick in the ground and they will climb up it..The list does not end. I plant 32 tomato plants, Corona cucumbers in a green house, They dont do well outside..(English type) unless you live in a hot climate. string beans, onlions radishes and my favorite is all the lettuce varieties which takes up little room and you have lots to give away
Reply:if you can't tell a weed from a basil plant i'd say your in the wrong hobby lol but a a really fun vegetable to grow and give to neighbors I find is peppers cayenne or jalapeno and colored bell as well. Also strawberrys arent that hard to grow and give a pretty good yield although the neighbors might walk over and take them themselves.
Reply:You can do salad greens in a hanging planter.
Reply:Well, you mentioned tomatoes, you can also grow peppers, onions, and radishes. You could also try a few heads of lettuce or broccoli even cauliflower. Hope this helps.
Reply:you can grow potatoes in a large pot
or carrets in a long tube such as a 1 metre 6 inch soil pipe standing up right of course.
strawberries can be grown in pots, hanging tubes etc!
Whats the best way to get rid of roots?
We are clearing some of our property we bought and it is full of nothing but bushes, weeds, brush, sticker and such. No trees, just junk. We have it cleared but are left with lots of little sturdy stumps. to many to dig or pull. Any other method other than renting a big backhoe or whatever people use?
Whats the best way to get rid of roots?
The easiest way (which will also save you time and energy) is to hire someone with a stump grinder to take care of everything for you. A lot of these people are retired and just want to make a few dollars on the side.
Look for someone in the local paper or mid-week paper who advertises like this:
"We do stumps cheap"
"Cheap stump grinding"
Depending on how many stumps you have - and how large an area - it will probably be fairly inexpensive ($50 - $100?). Each 4" stump will literally take 1 minute to grind. An added benefit is that the ground will be "tilled" for you and the stump grindings can be worked in as mulch.
The other option is to cut the stumps off an inch or two below ground level, this can get very frustrating though.
Any product designed to speed up the decay process will take a lot longer to work than you will want to wait.
Reply:cut them or wait for them to rot
Reply:I just did the same thing to a couple of acres and found the easiest thing to do was to dig a few inches down around the little stumps and break out the chain saw, being careful not to hit dirt. Then just cover the holes back up and let nature do the rest.
leather slippers
Whats the best way to get rid of roots?
The easiest way (which will also save you time and energy) is to hire someone with a stump grinder to take care of everything for you. A lot of these people are retired and just want to make a few dollars on the side.
Look for someone in the local paper or mid-week paper who advertises like this:
"We do stumps cheap"
"Cheap stump grinding"
Depending on how many stumps you have - and how large an area - it will probably be fairly inexpensive ($50 - $100?). Each 4" stump will literally take 1 minute to grind. An added benefit is that the ground will be "tilled" for you and the stump grindings can be worked in as mulch.
The other option is to cut the stumps off an inch or two below ground level, this can get very frustrating though.
Any product designed to speed up the decay process will take a lot longer to work than you will want to wait.
Reply:cut them or wait for them to rot
Reply:I just did the same thing to a couple of acres and found the easiest thing to do was to dig a few inches down around the little stumps and break out the chain saw, being careful not to hit dirt. Then just cover the holes back up and let nature do the rest.
leather slippers
What product kills tomato seeds to keep them from growing back in the garden?
Our plants are finished producing for the summer and i don't want the seeds to fall into the garden and continue to grow tomatoe's. I want to clear the garden and get ready for fall planting. Is there a product (NOT weed killer, etc) that works, at say walmart or a local feed store???
What product kills tomato seeds to keep them from growing back in the garden?
Let them grow. You do not have to clear the garden yet. Why would you want to grow where you sprayed to kill something?
Reply:When you turn the ground for fall planting that will get rid of alot of them the ones that does come up won't last,,,,
Reply:buy a hoe...much more organic.
Reply:Cut them out and haul them away
Tomatoe seeds are indestructible you can see that at your seage treatment plant its full of seeds and if they spread the now treated dung they still grow.
Reply:Yes! a hoe is what you need. Have you ever heard the saying "you have to give to get" I think this applies to your question. Leaving the old rotten tomatoes and other earth friendly edibles over the winter will help enrich your soil. If you plant every year without giving back to the soil, your soil will become tired and your plant production will decrease. So, I say give the old unwanted tomatoes to your gardens soil and in the spring turn your garden and plant your plants.
Watch if grow with glee.. and see what the garden gives back to you.
Reply:Honestly, if you use a product that will kill off tomato seeds, you will also be killing other things and making the soil contain a product that will be there next year, stunting or inhibiting the growth of other things...aside from potentially being in the stuff that you will grow and eat.
Just make sure that you discard the tomatoes that dont make it off the vine. If you haven't done this, and have allowed the fruit to rot into the ground, you are out of luck this it next.
Reply:Roundup is the best, because it is a short term weedkiller. You can plant after 2-3 weeks. I prefer leaving my tomatoes in the ground as I get seedlings for the next year.
What product kills tomato seeds to keep them from growing back in the garden?
Let them grow. You do not have to clear the garden yet. Why would you want to grow where you sprayed to kill something?
Reply:When you turn the ground for fall planting that will get rid of alot of them the ones that does come up won't last,,,,
Reply:buy a hoe...much more organic.
Reply:Cut them out and haul them away
Tomatoe seeds are indestructible you can see that at your seage treatment plant its full of seeds and if they spread the now treated dung they still grow.
Reply:Yes! a hoe is what you need. Have you ever heard the saying "you have to give to get" I think this applies to your question. Leaving the old rotten tomatoes and other earth friendly edibles over the winter will help enrich your soil. If you plant every year without giving back to the soil, your soil will become tired and your plant production will decrease. So, I say give the old unwanted tomatoes to your gardens soil and in the spring turn your garden and plant your plants.
Watch if grow with glee.. and see what the garden gives back to you.
Reply:Honestly, if you use a product that will kill off tomato seeds, you will also be killing other things and making the soil contain a product that will be there next year, stunting or inhibiting the growth of other things...aside from potentially being in the stuff that you will grow and eat.
Just make sure that you discard the tomatoes that dont make it off the vine. If you haven't done this, and have allowed the fruit to rot into the ground, you are out of luck this it next.
Reply:Roundup is the best, because it is a short term weedkiller. You can plant after 2-3 weeks. I prefer leaving my tomatoes in the ground as I get seedlings for the next year.
Need to find some literal and figurative language?
hi i asked for help on this poem before but not its for something new. I need to find a word or phrase in this poem this is figurative and literal at the same time. I already have used "breathe" and "drink" as figurative and literal. Please help me find other words or phrases that would have both a literal and figurative meaning.
by Louise Bogan
The Cold remote islands
And the blue estuaries
Where what breathes, breathes
The restless wind of the inlets
And what drinks, drinks
The incoming tide;
Where shell and weed
Wait upon the salt wash of the sea,
And the clear nights of stars
Swing their lights westward
To set behind the land;
Where the clinging to the rocks
Renews itself forever;
Where, again on cloudless nights,
The water reflects
the firmament's partial setting;
-O remember
In your narrowing dark hours
That more things move
Than blood in the heart.
Need to find some literal and figurative language?
How about "cold" and "remote."
Good Luck!!!
by Louise Bogan
The Cold remote islands
And the blue estuaries
Where what breathes, breathes
The restless wind of the inlets
And what drinks, drinks
The incoming tide;
Where shell and weed
Wait upon the salt wash of the sea,
And the clear nights of stars
Swing their lights westward
To set behind the land;
Where the clinging to the rocks
Renews itself forever;
Where, again on cloudless nights,
The water reflects
the firmament's partial setting;
-O remember
In your narrowing dark hours
That more things move
Than blood in the heart.
Need to find some literal and figurative language?
How about "cold" and "remote."
Good Luck!!!
I wanna get drugs out of my system.?
how do i clear weed out of my system? I just dont want it to stick in me forever and does detox really work? okay first if ur gonna answer this dont call me a pothead.second im quiting.third i know drugs are bad
I wanna get drugs out of my system.?
You're right, drugs are bad. The best thing you could have ever done was realize that and persue a way to cleanse yourself of the drug. I would suggest drinking lots of water and cranberry juice to help it get through your system fast. This will filter you and eliminate the traces through your urine. However, if your intentions are more along the line of passing a urine analysis, then you're out of luck. The only way to get the traces out of your system is to take a pill that soaks it up and passes through your system a few days later.
Reply:30 days do not drink bleach it does not work. i have smoked and passed test the same day by drinking water untill i pissed straight water. that was for 3 years of probation. passed every one. the only way bleach works is to put it straight in the piss. i promise u 30 days and u will be clean with no signs of weed
Reply:three drops of clorox per 8oz. glass of water. one gallon per day for three days. It tastes like pool water. You'll live don't worry.
Reply:it will clear on it's own over time maybe as long as a month for the blood and up to two years for the remaining to clear out of your hair
Reply:Using drugs is a mindset. Given that you have stopped, your
body will detox gradually on its own (under a year).
One way of clearing your mind and body of bad thoughts
and toxins is to get oxygen into the spaces between your
bones and joints and visualise them lengthening. Pranayama
or breathing exercises and focusing your mind on yourself
and blocking out other thoughts will help you achieve this.
A yoga class will get you on your way.
Reply:drinking water is really the only thing you can do.. you can also use something that flushes your system.. that is very good that you are quitting drugs because they really ruin your life. I look back when i used to smoke every day and it isn't funny how much different life is, on top of that I see my friends mess up in school and move on to drugs like cocaine.
I wanna get drugs out of my system.?
You're right, drugs are bad. The best thing you could have ever done was realize that and persue a way to cleanse yourself of the drug. I would suggest drinking lots of water and cranberry juice to help it get through your system fast. This will filter you and eliminate the traces through your urine. However, if your intentions are more along the line of passing a urine analysis, then you're out of luck. The only way to get the traces out of your system is to take a pill that soaks it up and passes through your system a few days later.
Reply:30 days do not drink bleach it does not work. i have smoked and passed test the same day by drinking water untill i pissed straight water. that was for 3 years of probation. passed every one. the only way bleach works is to put it straight in the piss. i promise u 30 days and u will be clean with no signs of weed
Reply:three drops of clorox per 8oz. glass of water. one gallon per day for three days. It tastes like pool water. You'll live don't worry.
Reply:it will clear on it's own over time maybe as long as a month for the blood and up to two years for the remaining to clear out of your hair
Reply:Using drugs is a mindset. Given that you have stopped, your
body will detox gradually on its own (under a year).
One way of clearing your mind and body of bad thoughts
and toxins is to get oxygen into the spaces between your
bones and joints and visualise them lengthening. Pranayama
or breathing exercises and focusing your mind on yourself
and blocking out other thoughts will help you achieve this.
A yoga class will get you on your way.
Reply:drinking water is really the only thing you can do.. you can also use something that flushes your system.. that is very good that you are quitting drugs because they really ruin your life. I look back when i used to smoke every day and it isn't funny how much different life is, on top of that I see my friends mess up in school and move on to drugs like cocaine.
How do I get rid of weeds brambles and nettles?
Have just moved into my house and the garden is a complete wasteland - nettles at nearly 6 ft brambles that go on for ever and are really tough. I am wanting to clear it so I can put borders in and a lawn - how can this be done, it seems impossible as such a large area.
How do I get rid of weeds brambles and nettles?
You have to clear as much as you can then use a product called Rootkill that you can get from most good garden centres..
Reply:start digging. the only way to get rid of brambles, nettles and weeds is to get all the roots out. maybe hiring a rotovator would be alot easier than digging tho, especially if you want to lay a lawn on it afterwards. its gonna be a lot of work, good luck. do you know how to lay a lawn, what type of grass to get/how to prepare the land before laying the grass etc etc? email me if you need any more help
Reply:Had the same problem many years ago. My answer was, HARD WORK. We cut back the brambles, dug out as much root as possible, then rotovated, picking out what was left over. Best of luck.
Reply:Use the weedkiller. Roundup It's brill for that sort of job.
Then once all the brambles etc have died back burn them off
with a flame gun and then use a rotorvator to prepare the soil
for planting. Level the soil and firm it wait at least a month
removing any fresh weed growth as you go. Best time to
lay your lawn is September, or better still wait until March/April. The tools I mentioned can can be hired from your local hire shop.
Happy gardening, Fuzz.
Reply:try a flame thrower that will sort it out for you
Reply:Hack it back down to ground level with a pair of shears + a pair of secateurs...... or hire a gardener to have a go at it with a petrol powered brushcutter (like a strimmer, but has cutting blades on it instead of nylon cord).
Then go over it with Sodium Chlorate weedkiller or some sort of Tree stump / brushkiller (see what's in the local garden centre)........ preferably using a seperate RED coloured watering can, and not a GREEN one used to water plants you want growing.
Reply:Have a Garden Party!
Invite all your friends - tell them to bring wellies, old clothes and a gardening implement.
Food and drink on the house!
Borrow some extra implements for people who don't bring their own.
Let them leap in and organise their own bit
Have a man-sized buffet of Cheeses, breads, pickles, salads, jacket potatoes and a keg of beer.
Some background music - not loud enough to upset neighbours because you have to live with them.
We did this once with a jungle to clear and people voted it one of the best parties they'd ever been to.
Reply:either do it manualy or buy 2 goats.done,t look at it as abig job clean a small area at atime and in afew weeks hey presto,or get someone in to do it for u,byeeeeeee
Reply:The best way is to burn it but all sorts of people get their panties in knots over anything having to do with fire. You may need a permit where you live but if it saves you as much work and the area is as large as you say it might be worth it. The other answer is to spray it all with some herbicide and wait a year. I know when I have a rental property with a small yard out of control I place a large blue tarp over it with some bricks around the edge for several months until everything dies and then I reseed. It is just soooo quick and easy. It takes about 5 minutes to set out the tarp and then another 5 minutes to fold it up and throw down some seeds. It sounds like this is too big for that but if you want to buy large tarps check out Other answer is to pay a 12 year old kid a flat fee of $20 to be paid after all work has been completed. Give him 3 days or so. DON'T PAY BY THE HOUR
Just try to remember not to use poison, wild animals don't go a bundle on it, there's no substitute for hard work, get stuck in, why not leave a section alone and in the evenings watch the wildlife in a natural environment?
Ray. West York's. U.K.
Teeth Pain
How do I get rid of weeds brambles and nettles?
You have to clear as much as you can then use a product called Rootkill that you can get from most good garden centres..
Reply:start digging. the only way to get rid of brambles, nettles and weeds is to get all the roots out. maybe hiring a rotovator would be alot easier than digging tho, especially if you want to lay a lawn on it afterwards. its gonna be a lot of work, good luck. do you know how to lay a lawn, what type of grass to get/how to prepare the land before laying the grass etc etc? email me if you need any more help
Reply:Had the same problem many years ago. My answer was, HARD WORK. We cut back the brambles, dug out as much root as possible, then rotovated, picking out what was left over. Best of luck.
Reply:Use the weedkiller. Roundup It's brill for that sort of job.
Then once all the brambles etc have died back burn them off
with a flame gun and then use a rotorvator to prepare the soil
for planting. Level the soil and firm it wait at least a month
removing any fresh weed growth as you go. Best time to
lay your lawn is September, or better still wait until March/April. The tools I mentioned can can be hired from your local hire shop.
Happy gardening, Fuzz.
Reply:try a flame thrower that will sort it out for you
Reply:Hack it back down to ground level with a pair of shears + a pair of secateurs...... or hire a gardener to have a go at it with a petrol powered brushcutter (like a strimmer, but has cutting blades on it instead of nylon cord).
Then go over it with Sodium Chlorate weedkiller or some sort of Tree stump / brushkiller (see what's in the local garden centre)........ preferably using a seperate RED coloured watering can, and not a GREEN one used to water plants you want growing.
Reply:Have a Garden Party!
Invite all your friends - tell them to bring wellies, old clothes and a gardening implement.
Food and drink on the house!
Borrow some extra implements for people who don't bring their own.
Let them leap in and organise their own bit
Have a man-sized buffet of Cheeses, breads, pickles, salads, jacket potatoes and a keg of beer.
Some background music - not loud enough to upset neighbours because you have to live with them.
We did this once with a jungle to clear and people voted it one of the best parties they'd ever been to.
Reply:either do it manualy or buy 2 goats.done,t look at it as abig job clean a small area at atime and in afew weeks hey presto,or get someone in to do it for u,byeeeeeee
Reply:The best way is to burn it but all sorts of people get their panties in knots over anything having to do with fire. You may need a permit where you live but if it saves you as much work and the area is as large as you say it might be worth it. The other answer is to spray it all with some herbicide and wait a year. I know when I have a rental property with a small yard out of control I place a large blue tarp over it with some bricks around the edge for several months until everything dies and then I reseed. It is just soooo quick and easy. It takes about 5 minutes to set out the tarp and then another 5 minutes to fold it up and throw down some seeds. It sounds like this is too big for that but if you want to buy large tarps check out Other answer is to pay a 12 year old kid a flat fee of $20 to be paid after all work has been completed. Give him 3 days or so. DON'T PAY BY THE HOUR
Just try to remember not to use poison, wild animals don't go a bundle on it, there's no substitute for hard work, get stuck in, why not leave a section alone and in the evenings watch the wildlife in a natural environment?
Ray. West York's. U.K.
Teeth Pain
Looking for a job that does not test?
I need a job ASAP, I have quit smoking weed, but it has not yet cleared out of my system (according to a home test.) I need to know some big and not so big companies that do not do drug testing.
Looking for a job that does not test?
I can help u in getting on line home based job. For this u need to be resident of India and proficient in ms word. This work is sponsored by govt of India so it is meant for residents of India only. In this job, u shall hv to convert pdf file into ms word doc. If u think u r eligible and can do the job. Click on my avatar and contact me thru email. Thanks
Reply:You should start filling out apps even at the jobs which you know will require testing. It will often take a couple weeks before they schedule the testing anyway or have your interview.
AND stop smoking the stuff for good. If it doesn't help you why continue doing it.
Reply:all your major hospital will. Anything union will. miccky d's and other fast foods won't construction doesn't if it isn't union. client logic doesn't most telemarketing and customer service agents do not test. Applied Card systems does test and fingerprint (nazi's) pizza spots don't. Couldn't tell you about much else
Reply:Be a bagboy, or bus boy.
Reply:Better yet, search the internet for ways of defeating common pot tests. There are several but none work well on hair tests.
In general, you shouldn't have a problem if you've been clean for a month. Most employers will even hire you if you aren't in a life preserving (pilot, driver, childcare, etc) job, a security job or banking job even if you fail a pot test.
Chill out, and get aggressive about searching/
Reply:here an idea don't do drugs .I've seen a few guy get hurt even after the pass the preeplment drug test . because after they got hire they had an accident on the job . when they went to the hospital they got busted and the company wouldn't cover them or they killed someone . can you afford the med bills or live with fact the you killed someone .
GET OFF THE DRUGS then you don't have to worry
Reply:Trader Joe's
Reply:Maybe in sales, Restaurants, any art-related job (!)
Or you may test your habilities to make money with internet.
Good luck !
Reply:A test conducted in every job vacancy is very impt. it gives every candidate for the job to prove he's worth it.
Reply:would you like to start up your own business with very very low cost.i'm hope i can
Looking for a job that does not test?
I can help u in getting on line home based job. For this u need to be resident of India and proficient in ms word. This work is sponsored by govt of India so it is meant for residents of India only. In this job, u shall hv to convert pdf file into ms word doc. If u think u r eligible and can do the job. Click on my avatar and contact me thru email. Thanks
Reply:You should start filling out apps even at the jobs which you know will require testing. It will often take a couple weeks before they schedule the testing anyway or have your interview.
AND stop smoking the stuff for good. If it doesn't help you why continue doing it.
Reply:all your major hospital will. Anything union will. miccky d's and other fast foods won't construction doesn't if it isn't union. client logic doesn't most telemarketing and customer service agents do not test. Applied Card systems does test and fingerprint (nazi's) pizza spots don't. Couldn't tell you about much else
Reply:Be a bagboy, or bus boy.
Reply:Better yet, search the internet for ways of defeating common pot tests. There are several but none work well on hair tests.
In general, you shouldn't have a problem if you've been clean for a month. Most employers will even hire you if you aren't in a life preserving (pilot, driver, childcare, etc) job, a security job or banking job even if you fail a pot test.
Chill out, and get aggressive about searching/
Reply:here an idea don't do drugs .I've seen a few guy get hurt even after the pass the preeplment drug test . because after they got hire they had an accident on the job . when they went to the hospital they got busted and the company wouldn't cover them or they killed someone . can you afford the med bills or live with fact the you killed someone .
GET OFF THE DRUGS then you don't have to worry
Reply:Trader Joe's
Reply:Maybe in sales, Restaurants, any art-related job (!)
Or you may test your habilities to make money with internet.
Good luck !
Reply:A test conducted in every job vacancy is very impt. it gives every candidate for the job to prove he's worth it.
Reply:would you like to start up your own business with very very low cost.i'm hope i can
Could you read my unfinished story and tell me what you honestly think?
Dear Sherry
As I woke up, I shielded my eyes from the sun that poured through the oak window. My body laid in crisp white sheets as flashbacks rushed through my mind.
“‘…Do you want to?’”
“‘…I don’t know, I don’t think we should.’”
“‘…We’ll be fine, don’t worry.’”
I pushed myself up against the bed’s backboard and rubbed my temples, I felt nauseas and sore. I climbed out of my warm bed, rapped a bed sheet around my body, and twisted it into a knot above my chest.
Items seemed in disorder as I walked through my loft bedroom. While glancing over the loft, I spotted a folded piece of paper leaning against the vase on the dinner table. I unfolded the paper and began to read the note.
“Dear Sherry,
Thanks for a great night. We should do it again sometime.
Ps. welcome to the world of AIDS. -You’re Infector”
Thump thump, thump thump.
My heart raced. I felt numb; there was something in my throat that I
just couldn’t swallow. The note dropped to the table, knocking something to the floor. My eyes never wandered to the floor, my heart ached too much to care.
Once again, flashbacks raced through my mind from the begin of the night to the end.
“‘…Would you like to dance?’”
“‘…Sure, I’d love to.’”
The words, “Your Infector.” echoed in my mind. “Tommy? Tom? Tomas? Timmy? Troy?” I repeated to myself trying to remember his name, for the alcohol fogged my memory.
“‘…Hi, I’m Tristan.’”
“‘…Hey, Nice to meet you. I’m Sherry.’”
I paced around the loft as tears moistened my cheeks. The bed sheet fell to the floor as I walked to the bathroom and started the shower. Immediately, steam filled the tiny plain room and fogged the mirror.
I closed my eyes as the water poured from the showerhead onto my face. “I can wash it away, everything will be alright.” I kept repeating these words, trying to fool myself into believing them, even though I knew it wasn’t true.
When I was in the shower I felt pure. Turning the knob all the way to the left was the hardest thing to do, my moment of purity was over and I
was insecure about everything.
I stepped out of the shower; right foot, then left and wiped the mirror clear of fog. While checking my reflection, in the smudged mirror, an unclear figure crept behind me and passed through the door. Puddles of water formed under my feet as I followed the figure through the doorframe.
“Who’s there?” I received no answer.
Thump thump, thump thump.
My heart raced. I peeked around the wall, that separated the bathroom from the living room, and held my breathe. The floor crept under my feet as I approached the dark figure.
My hand shook as I reached for the overcoat that covered a body.
One, two, three. Swoosh, the overcoat fell to the ground.
Beep, beep, beep. “Good morning New York City, you’re listening to W.T.B.A and its 7:00 Am. It’s starting to feel a lot like winter with a temperature of 34°F, time to take those winter jackets out of the clos-”
I slapped my hand on the off button, as the alarm clock fell to the floor. My body jerked up and I scratched my neck gasping for air. Confused and unsure of myself I got out of bed and inspected my loft. I glanced at the vase and to my surprise, there was no note waiting to be read. My eyes wandered around in concern and fear that someone was lingering within my loft.
It was 11:00 Am, and I was waiting for the paper boy to drop of my paper. I sat in my overstuffed chair and light filled the room, as I turned the
television on. “Breaking News” flashed on the screen. I tried to listen to the report, but when the young news caster said those words, “The Infector”, my heart sank.
Boom, boom, boom. I walked to my door, opened it, and picked up the fresh newspaper. The front page read, “Young women meet their infector.”
I ran my hand under my eyes to clear the tears. This can’t be happening, I thought. “Was it a sign? Could I have helped them?” I kept asking myself questions that couldn’t be answered. I turned off the television, put the newspaper on the dinner table, and ran into my bedroom to change. I pulled a jogging suit out of my bureau and grabbed a pair of Nikes out of the closet. I rushed to put everything on and I ran out the front door. While on the fourth floor, I clicked the auto start for my car and continued jogging down two more flights of stairs.
I had to clear my mind, driving into the quiet country would help sooth my shaken nerves. I drove to a familiar place, where my mother and I took daily walks together. We called it The tranquil pond. The little crystal clear pond held an abundant amount of lily pads. Catninetails were sporadically placed around the pond and in the cluster of trees you could
hear the baby birds chirping high in their nest as their mothers fed them.
This was the one place I could clear my mind and forget about everything. I
laid on the green ground and watched as the puffy white clouds passed by. Some were short and fluffy and other were long and skinny but
every single one look beautiful against the deep blue sky.
The sky turned grey. Within minutes I was once again in a pure moment, with water gently sprinkling my hands and face. It felt bizarre; laying there like a lifeless weed, with its roots soaking up the water, waiting to bloom into a beautiful flower once again. Memories of my childhood rush through my mind as I walked to my car; with my head still looking to the clouds.
“What would she tell me to do right now?” I pondered
“Mom? Are you up there, Mom? Well if you can hear me I really need you to me help right now! I think I can help these poor women, but the truth is I’m scared. I don’t know what to do, I need you Mom, I need you more than ever right now.”
I lowered my head and continued walking to my car. The windshield wipers moved left to right in attempt to clear the now torrential rain. On the car ride home all I could think about was my mother. She had been my world from the age of seven, when my father died, till the day of her death. My mother had died from a doctor’s misdiagnose. The Doctors kept telling
her she suffered from the Flu, but my mother knew she was very sick, and
it wasn’t the Flu that caused her to become fatigued and receive rashes.
She had AIDS. My mother was a nurse. When she was pricked by a dirty needle she knew it would only be time before she started getting sick. My mother died two years ago, when I was twenty one. Thinking about my mother made me tune out all my surroundings.
The hour ride home seemed like only fifteen minutes. There were no parking spots on the street. That meant I had to park in the garage, on the side of the apartment building. The garage was dark and humid. A sinister feeling gathered in the steamy air. Footsteps echoed as I walked to the Exit door. My heart began to beat rapidly when I discovered the echoed footsteps were not mine. I glanced over my shoulder and found no one pacing behind me. I turned the corner in front of a sliver Honda and looked into the round mirror that was mounted onto the wall above me. In the mirror I spotted a man clad in black, crawl behind the small Honda.
“Who’s there?” I shouted demanding an answer, but received none. “I said who’s there? Come out I know you’re behind there!”
My heart was in my throat once again. I weaved through the cars, hoping the man would not follow my demands. Footsteps echoed in the garage again. In fear, I dropped to the ground and pulled myself under a large SUV.
“Who’s hiding now?” a man shouted, breaking the silence.
I kept my head low to the ground, watching the floor to see when his
feet appeared in front of me. I hid, silent, for what seemed forever.
“I know you’re in here. Come out; come out, wherever you are.” There was a brief pause. “Oh Sherry Dear, why don’t you be a good little girl and come and play with YOUR INFECTOR!”
A pair of blue Nikes appeared in front of the SUV and it felt as if my heart had stopped beating. I held my breathe; trying not to make a sound. I watched as the Nikes walked by my hiding spot. Hot air was released in relief. My body laid still, in fear he would come back. His sneakers were nowhere in sight, but I heard the heavy footsteps, pounding on the concrete.
My ankle ached; I looked over my shoulder straight into a set of evil eyes. My skin scraped again the cement, as I was being pulled.
“Please, stop!” I pleaded. “Let me go!”
My foot slammed into the side of his face. The evil man let go of my ankle and held his face as he knelt on the ground. I crawled out from under the car, and began to run away, in fear for my life.
“Who are you?” I sobbed.
“Who am I? You mean you haven’t heard of me?
I did not answer the mystery man.
“Sherry, It’s me Tristan.”
I hid behind a pile of boxes next to the elevator. I closed my eyes,
hoping when I opened them, I would awaken from a dream; This never happened. He was close, his scent lingered after he walked by the boxes. He didn’t make a sound, which made it harder to tell where he stood.
“Boo.” Tristan whispered as he crashed the boxes.
He pulled me away from the wall and did what he pleased.
“Stop please.”
I laid there on the cement numb. Not crying and barely breathing. Rolling to my side I attempted to pick myself up. My body was weak, and I fell to the ground. My second try was a success. I walked slowly to the exit door being cautious with every move. As I exited the garage, my eyes grew wet. I collapsed in the middle of sidewalk sobbing uncontrollably.
“Sherry Williams. Sherry, can you hear me?”
I heard a man mumbling but I couldn’t make out the words. Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked around. I laid on a chilled slab in a room that was filled of pictures from my past, me and my mother at the tranquil pond, my father and I at my sixth birthday, me reading my first book, and tons of other photos I had never seen before. There was a large blank screen on the wall in front of me. It looked like a projector screen but there was no projector in the room. As I glanced around, I found no windows, nor doors.
A puff of smoke exited my lips as I spoke softly. “Hello.” I whispered.
“Where am I? What happened?”
I sat up, and twisted my body to hang my legs over the side of the stainless steal slab. A chill shot up my spine as my bare feet touched the tiled floor. I wrapped my arms in front of me, and my lips quivered. It was cold. Spider veins began to show in my pale legs and arms.
Where was I? I wonder. How did I get here? I paced around the white room, looking at the many pictures. The one that caught my eye was one that I had never seen before. It was of me, my mother and father. I had to of have been about two years old and the three of us were cuddled in my parents bed. It must have been winter, you could see the fluffy white snow that covered the yard through the window, I laid between my mother and father fast asleep. You could see the passion in my parents’ eyes for each other. My father was gently kissing my mother’s forehead as she smiled with glee. We looked like a picture perfect family.
“She‘s in a comma from the trauma, is there anyone from her family we can call?”
“No doctor, she has no one. Her father died when she was seven and her mother pasted ago two years ago.”
“Okay, just keep an eye on her and let me know if there is any improvement. I‘ll find someone for this poor girl."
“Yes doctor.”
I heard the mumbling voice again but I could make out his words. I
looked around trying to see where this voice was coming from. I walked over to the blank screen and gently ran my fingers over it. With the touch of my finger tips the blank screen flashed on. It began to play video clips of my childhood. Birthday parties, family reunions, and my father’s funeral. As I watched my fathers’ funeral I began to wish he was here. The more I began to think about him, more videos of him played. It seemed as if what I was thinking about was being played on the screen. How can this be I wondered? I started to think of my mother and she showed on the screen.
“Is this here to help me? What am I suppose to do? ” I shouted in an empty room.
I sat on the chilled tile floor with my legs crossed and my head lowered in my hands. I began to think of the garage. The smell of that man. His cold touch. His taunting voice. The icy blue eyes that held nothing but evil. I raised my head and looked towards the screen. There were small photos collaged together. Those icy blue eyes, his lips, his blue Nikes and his black jacket. The more I thought about him, more pictures flew onto the screen.
Could you read my unfinished story and tell me what you honestly think?
I can't tell you how glued I was to the screen until I finished the last word...I wanted to read the rest.....I hope you continue writing you have a gift for it for sure.
Your story reminds me of watching "Law and Order" on TV and how you don't want a commercial to pop up in the most exciting part of the story.
I noticed a couple words misspelled but other than that you are doing great. Don't stop now while the "pan is hot" meaning you are "on a roll".
Best wishes,
Mama Jazzy Geri
PS...I was afraid right along with her in the parking area.. My heart is still beating fast. See what your words can do? ...You go girl...great writing.
Reply:You said you were 15 and you seemed unsure of whether this topic is the right topic to write about. To be completely honest, the subject took me by surprise- I'm only 13- but that's what outstanding authors do; they write about any subjects they have a desire for and not be reluctant about it. It's good that you feel unsure about it. It's pretty natural to feel that way. Actually I'm writing a story (completely different topic) and it seems a little awkward right now, but you should keep on writing! Also, I think it's good that you're raising attention to AIDS and other "diseases". Keep writing!
Reply:I think you are a very talented writer. I am an avid reader and If I read a book jacket with an exerpt from just what you have completed, I would most definately read the entire book. I hope you have much success with your writing career, and when your book comes out (and I'm sure it will ;) ) I will have the priviledge of telling ppl that I read part of it before it was even published. I believe you have good form and I was drawn into the story from the very beginning. I also think that you may save quite a few lives with the story line alone.
How many ppl do you know who have had at least 1 one night stand, or will during their lifetime? I t makes me glad that I'm not single anymore. I would love to know what the title of your unfinished manuscript is going to be, so I can read the entire story. Good luck and God Bless !!!
Reply:Hi! You responded to my question a couple minutes ago... so, yeah! ^.^
I like it a lot. The plot is very interesting, keeping the reader intrigued. I have to admit, there were many short stories and segments of them on here that I've read, but yours is the only one I've completed. I definitely think you should keep writing and publish this to some sort of a website.
Your description could improve, and perhaps more connections. I'm sure you know what I mean, such as in the morning when she wakes up, she could feel woozy and that led up to a sickness later on, such as the AIDS, or maybe just one that caused her to be more prone to shock and then the coma.
Either way, good luck writing and please let me know if you are going to publish this somewhere!
Reply:Ok this is what i think of your story.
I LOVED the suspense when she goes to her car. Thats the best part. I just want to know how everyting turns out.
Some parts were a little confusing but other then that, if you keep it going with the suspesne then it will be a REALLY good book.
It even sounds like it would be a good movie!!!!
PLEASE write more and send it to me
Reply:WOW! I really liked it alot. I mean its good, really good. I like the suspense and just the way you put it together. You HAVE to send it to my mail when you have more. I really wanna read your book.
Reply:this is super good
you should really get it published!! (:
and finish writting it, because i want
to know what happens
As I woke up, I shielded my eyes from the sun that poured through the oak window. My body laid in crisp white sheets as flashbacks rushed through my mind.
“‘…Do you want to?’”
“‘…I don’t know, I don’t think we should.’”
“‘…We’ll be fine, don’t worry.’”
I pushed myself up against the bed’s backboard and rubbed my temples, I felt nauseas and sore. I climbed out of my warm bed, rapped a bed sheet around my body, and twisted it into a knot above my chest.
Items seemed in disorder as I walked through my loft bedroom. While glancing over the loft, I spotted a folded piece of paper leaning against the vase on the dinner table. I unfolded the paper and began to read the note.
“Dear Sherry,
Thanks for a great night. We should do it again sometime.
Ps. welcome to the world of AIDS. -You’re Infector”
Thump thump, thump thump.
My heart raced. I felt numb; there was something in my throat that I
just couldn’t swallow. The note dropped to the table, knocking something to the floor. My eyes never wandered to the floor, my heart ached too much to care.
Once again, flashbacks raced through my mind from the begin of the night to the end.
“‘…Would you like to dance?’”
“‘…Sure, I’d love to.’”
The words, “Your Infector.” echoed in my mind. “Tommy? Tom? Tomas? Timmy? Troy?” I repeated to myself trying to remember his name, for the alcohol fogged my memory.
“‘…Hi, I’m Tristan.’”
“‘…Hey, Nice to meet you. I’m Sherry.’”
I paced around the loft as tears moistened my cheeks. The bed sheet fell to the floor as I walked to the bathroom and started the shower. Immediately, steam filled the tiny plain room and fogged the mirror.
I closed my eyes as the water poured from the showerhead onto my face. “I can wash it away, everything will be alright.” I kept repeating these words, trying to fool myself into believing them, even though I knew it wasn’t true.
When I was in the shower I felt pure. Turning the knob all the way to the left was the hardest thing to do, my moment of purity was over and I
was insecure about everything.
I stepped out of the shower; right foot, then left and wiped the mirror clear of fog. While checking my reflection, in the smudged mirror, an unclear figure crept behind me and passed through the door. Puddles of water formed under my feet as I followed the figure through the doorframe.
“Who’s there?” I received no answer.
Thump thump, thump thump.
My heart raced. I peeked around the wall, that separated the bathroom from the living room, and held my breathe. The floor crept under my feet as I approached the dark figure.
My hand shook as I reached for the overcoat that covered a body.
One, two, three. Swoosh, the overcoat fell to the ground.
Beep, beep, beep. “Good morning New York City, you’re listening to W.T.B.A and its 7:00 Am. It’s starting to feel a lot like winter with a temperature of 34°F, time to take those winter jackets out of the clos-”
I slapped my hand on the off button, as the alarm clock fell to the floor. My body jerked up and I scratched my neck gasping for air. Confused and unsure of myself I got out of bed and inspected my loft. I glanced at the vase and to my surprise, there was no note waiting to be read. My eyes wandered around in concern and fear that someone was lingering within my loft.
It was 11:00 Am, and I was waiting for the paper boy to drop of my paper. I sat in my overstuffed chair and light filled the room, as I turned the
television on. “Breaking News” flashed on the screen. I tried to listen to the report, but when the young news caster said those words, “The Infector”, my heart sank.
Boom, boom, boom. I walked to my door, opened it, and picked up the fresh newspaper. The front page read, “Young women meet their infector.”
I ran my hand under my eyes to clear the tears. This can’t be happening, I thought. “Was it a sign? Could I have helped them?” I kept asking myself questions that couldn’t be answered. I turned off the television, put the newspaper on the dinner table, and ran into my bedroom to change. I pulled a jogging suit out of my bureau and grabbed a pair of Nikes out of the closet. I rushed to put everything on and I ran out the front door. While on the fourth floor, I clicked the auto start for my car and continued jogging down two more flights of stairs.
I had to clear my mind, driving into the quiet country would help sooth my shaken nerves. I drove to a familiar place, where my mother and I took daily walks together. We called it The tranquil pond. The little crystal clear pond held an abundant amount of lily pads. Catninetails were sporadically placed around the pond and in the cluster of trees you could
hear the baby birds chirping high in their nest as their mothers fed them.
This was the one place I could clear my mind and forget about everything. I
laid on the green ground and watched as the puffy white clouds passed by. Some were short and fluffy and other were long and skinny but
every single one look beautiful against the deep blue sky.
The sky turned grey. Within minutes I was once again in a pure moment, with water gently sprinkling my hands and face. It felt bizarre; laying there like a lifeless weed, with its roots soaking up the water, waiting to bloom into a beautiful flower once again. Memories of my childhood rush through my mind as I walked to my car; with my head still looking to the clouds.
“What would she tell me to do right now?” I pondered
“Mom? Are you up there, Mom? Well if you can hear me I really need you to me help right now! I think I can help these poor women, but the truth is I’m scared. I don’t know what to do, I need you Mom, I need you more than ever right now.”
I lowered my head and continued walking to my car. The windshield wipers moved left to right in attempt to clear the now torrential rain. On the car ride home all I could think about was my mother. She had been my world from the age of seven, when my father died, till the day of her death. My mother had died from a doctor’s misdiagnose. The Doctors kept telling
her she suffered from the Flu, but my mother knew she was very sick, and
it wasn’t the Flu that caused her to become fatigued and receive rashes.
She had AIDS. My mother was a nurse. When she was pricked by a dirty needle she knew it would only be time before she started getting sick. My mother died two years ago, when I was twenty one. Thinking about my mother made me tune out all my surroundings.
The hour ride home seemed like only fifteen minutes. There were no parking spots on the street. That meant I had to park in the garage, on the side of the apartment building. The garage was dark and humid. A sinister feeling gathered in the steamy air. Footsteps echoed as I walked to the Exit door. My heart began to beat rapidly when I discovered the echoed footsteps were not mine. I glanced over my shoulder and found no one pacing behind me. I turned the corner in front of a sliver Honda and looked into the round mirror that was mounted onto the wall above me. In the mirror I spotted a man clad in black, crawl behind the small Honda.
“Who’s there?” I shouted demanding an answer, but received none. “I said who’s there? Come out I know you’re behind there!”
My heart was in my throat once again. I weaved through the cars, hoping the man would not follow my demands. Footsteps echoed in the garage again. In fear, I dropped to the ground and pulled myself under a large SUV.
“Who’s hiding now?” a man shouted, breaking the silence.
I kept my head low to the ground, watching the floor to see when his
feet appeared in front of me. I hid, silent, for what seemed forever.
“I know you’re in here. Come out; come out, wherever you are.” There was a brief pause. “Oh Sherry Dear, why don’t you be a good little girl and come and play with YOUR INFECTOR!”
A pair of blue Nikes appeared in front of the SUV and it felt as if my heart had stopped beating. I held my breathe; trying not to make a sound. I watched as the Nikes walked by my hiding spot. Hot air was released in relief. My body laid still, in fear he would come back. His sneakers were nowhere in sight, but I heard the heavy footsteps, pounding on the concrete.
My ankle ached; I looked over my shoulder straight into a set of evil eyes. My skin scraped again the cement, as I was being pulled.
“Please, stop!” I pleaded. “Let me go!”
My foot slammed into the side of his face. The evil man let go of my ankle and held his face as he knelt on the ground. I crawled out from under the car, and began to run away, in fear for my life.
“Who are you?” I sobbed.
“Who am I? You mean you haven’t heard of me?
I did not answer the mystery man.
“Sherry, It’s me Tristan.”
I hid behind a pile of boxes next to the elevator. I closed my eyes,
hoping when I opened them, I would awaken from a dream; This never happened. He was close, his scent lingered after he walked by the boxes. He didn’t make a sound, which made it harder to tell where he stood.
“Boo.” Tristan whispered as he crashed the boxes.
He pulled me away from the wall and did what he pleased.
“Stop please.”
I laid there on the cement numb. Not crying and barely breathing. Rolling to my side I attempted to pick myself up. My body was weak, and I fell to the ground. My second try was a success. I walked slowly to the exit door being cautious with every move. As I exited the garage, my eyes grew wet. I collapsed in the middle of sidewalk sobbing uncontrollably.
“Sherry Williams. Sherry, can you hear me?”
I heard a man mumbling but I couldn’t make out the words. Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked around. I laid on a chilled slab in a room that was filled of pictures from my past, me and my mother at the tranquil pond, my father and I at my sixth birthday, me reading my first book, and tons of other photos I had never seen before. There was a large blank screen on the wall in front of me. It looked like a projector screen but there was no projector in the room. As I glanced around, I found no windows, nor doors.
A puff of smoke exited my lips as I spoke softly. “Hello.” I whispered.
“Where am I? What happened?”
I sat up, and twisted my body to hang my legs over the side of the stainless steal slab. A chill shot up my spine as my bare feet touched the tiled floor. I wrapped my arms in front of me, and my lips quivered. It was cold. Spider veins began to show in my pale legs and arms.
Where was I? I wonder. How did I get here? I paced around the white room, looking at the many pictures. The one that caught my eye was one that I had never seen before. It was of me, my mother and father. I had to of have been about two years old and the three of us were cuddled in my parents bed. It must have been winter, you could see the fluffy white snow that covered the yard through the window, I laid between my mother and father fast asleep. You could see the passion in my parents’ eyes for each other. My father was gently kissing my mother’s forehead as she smiled with glee. We looked like a picture perfect family.
“She‘s in a comma from the trauma, is there anyone from her family we can call?”
“No doctor, she has no one. Her father died when she was seven and her mother pasted ago two years ago.”
“Okay, just keep an eye on her and let me know if there is any improvement. I‘ll find someone for this poor girl."
“Yes doctor.”
I heard the mumbling voice again but I could make out his words. I
looked around trying to see where this voice was coming from. I walked over to the blank screen and gently ran my fingers over it. With the touch of my finger tips the blank screen flashed on. It began to play video clips of my childhood. Birthday parties, family reunions, and my father’s funeral. As I watched my fathers’ funeral I began to wish he was here. The more I began to think about him, more videos of him played. It seemed as if what I was thinking about was being played on the screen. How can this be I wondered? I started to think of my mother and she showed on the screen.
“Is this here to help me? What am I suppose to do? ” I shouted in an empty room.
I sat on the chilled tile floor with my legs crossed and my head lowered in my hands. I began to think of the garage. The smell of that man. His cold touch. His taunting voice. The icy blue eyes that held nothing but evil. I raised my head and looked towards the screen. There were small photos collaged together. Those icy blue eyes, his lips, his blue Nikes and his black jacket. The more I thought about him, more pictures flew onto the screen.
Could you read my unfinished story and tell me what you honestly think?
I can't tell you how glued I was to the screen until I finished the last word...I wanted to read the rest.....I hope you continue writing you have a gift for it for sure.
Your story reminds me of watching "Law and Order" on TV and how you don't want a commercial to pop up in the most exciting part of the story.
I noticed a couple words misspelled but other than that you are doing great. Don't stop now while the "pan is hot" meaning you are "on a roll".
Best wishes,
Mama Jazzy Geri
PS...I was afraid right along with her in the parking area.. My heart is still beating fast. See what your words can do? ...You go girl...great writing.
Reply:You said you were 15 and you seemed unsure of whether this topic is the right topic to write about. To be completely honest, the subject took me by surprise- I'm only 13- but that's what outstanding authors do; they write about any subjects they have a desire for and not be reluctant about it. It's good that you feel unsure about it. It's pretty natural to feel that way. Actually I'm writing a story (completely different topic) and it seems a little awkward right now, but you should keep on writing! Also, I think it's good that you're raising attention to AIDS and other "diseases". Keep writing!
Reply:I think you are a very talented writer. I am an avid reader and If I read a book jacket with an exerpt from just what you have completed, I would most definately read the entire book. I hope you have much success with your writing career, and when your book comes out (and I'm sure it will ;) ) I will have the priviledge of telling ppl that I read part of it before it was even published. I believe you have good form and I was drawn into the story from the very beginning. I also think that you may save quite a few lives with the story line alone.
How many ppl do you know who have had at least 1 one night stand, or will during their lifetime? I t makes me glad that I'm not single anymore. I would love to know what the title of your unfinished manuscript is going to be, so I can read the entire story. Good luck and God Bless !!!
Reply:Hi! You responded to my question a couple minutes ago... so, yeah! ^.^
I like it a lot. The plot is very interesting, keeping the reader intrigued. I have to admit, there were many short stories and segments of them on here that I've read, but yours is the only one I've completed. I definitely think you should keep writing and publish this to some sort of a website.
Your description could improve, and perhaps more connections. I'm sure you know what I mean, such as in the morning when she wakes up, she could feel woozy and that led up to a sickness later on, such as the AIDS, or maybe just one that caused her to be more prone to shock and then the coma.
Either way, good luck writing and please let me know if you are going to publish this somewhere!
Reply:Ok this is what i think of your story.
I LOVED the suspense when she goes to her car. Thats the best part. I just want to know how everyting turns out.
Some parts were a little confusing but other then that, if you keep it going with the suspesne then it will be a REALLY good book.
It even sounds like it would be a good movie!!!!
PLEASE write more and send it to me
Reply:WOW! I really liked it alot. I mean its good, really good. I like the suspense and just the way you put it together. You HAVE to send it to my mail when you have more. I really wanna read your book.
Reply:this is super good
you should really get it published!! (:
and finish writting it, because i want
to know what happens
I have methadone and thc in my system and I need to get them out, whats the best way to get them out?
I was snorting oxy a while back and pri only did 8 pills (not all in one day) and then I stopped about 3 weeks ago. But the withdraws were bad so my bf gave me 4 methadone which I took for 4 days. Then I stopped taking them 2 days ago. I have also been smoking weed, just a little, off and on. I have an interview Monday 24th for a job I really want. I know I have 4 days until the interview and then a few days after to take the drug test, if I get the job. But I need to know if the methadone and thc would be in my system, and if so, what is the best way to clear my system. So far I am going to drink 6-7 water bottles and jog my *** off. If thats not going to be enough, should I detox the day before or just get fake pee?
I have methadone and thc in my system and I need to get them out, whats the best way to get them out?
Well...the best thing you could do is just pee as much as possible before the interview...Most will say it takes X number of days for the toxins to leave your body, but the simple fact is, they NEVER entirely do leave...they have a half life...
If it takes approximately 2 weeks to get rid of most of the THC in your body, but you don't have 2 should try to flush as much fluids through your body, to emulate 2 weeks worth of urination in a short amount of time.
other than that, yeah, bring some clean piss.
Reply:Well, for the future, stop with the drugs! Your best bet is to get a girls of similar age to you who is clean to give you a sample to smuggle in.
Reply:Take the detox the day before. It will make you pee orange for a while, so you don't want the people administering the test to notice it. Also, to help with getting the weed out of your system, take a shot of white vinegar. Its discusting, but it helps with clearing out your system. Drink wayy more than six to seven water bottles a day. You're going to need more that a gallon and a half a day. It may sound extreem, but its the only way.
I don't really know how to get the thc and methadone out of your system, but I'll ask my brother tonight and edit this post.
I hope this helps !
EDIT: My brother's exact words, "She's f***ed"
Reply:first, stop doing drugs before a drug test.
second-drink vinegar
a shotglass full every hour will mask the thc.
and PROBABLY the methadone.
Reply:First of all you need help if you did it enough to feel withdrawls, Secondly you can't just "Get it out" of your system time is the only way to get it out, you don;t need to worry about a job right now, you need to worry about getting clean! Then things will come to you easier.
Good Luck, I hope you do the right thing.
I have methadone and thc in my system and I need to get them out, whats the best way to get them out?
Well...the best thing you could do is just pee as much as possible before the interview...Most will say it takes X number of days for the toxins to leave your body, but the simple fact is, they NEVER entirely do leave...they have a half life...
If it takes approximately 2 weeks to get rid of most of the THC in your body, but you don't have 2 should try to flush as much fluids through your body, to emulate 2 weeks worth of urination in a short amount of time.
other than that, yeah, bring some clean piss.
Reply:Well, for the future, stop with the drugs! Your best bet is to get a girls of similar age to you who is clean to give you a sample to smuggle in.
Reply:Take the detox the day before. It will make you pee orange for a while, so you don't want the people administering the test to notice it. Also, to help with getting the weed out of your system, take a shot of white vinegar. Its discusting, but it helps with clearing out your system. Drink wayy more than six to seven water bottles a day. You're going to need more that a gallon and a half a day. It may sound extreem, but its the only way.
I don't really know how to get the thc and methadone out of your system, but I'll ask my brother tonight and edit this post.
I hope this helps !
EDIT: My brother's exact words, "She's f***ed"
Reply:first, stop doing drugs before a drug test.
second-drink vinegar
a shotglass full every hour will mask the thc.
and PROBABLY the methadone.
Reply:First of all you need help if you did it enough to feel withdrawls, Secondly you can't just "Get it out" of your system time is the only way to get it out, you don;t need to worry about a job right now, you need to worry about getting clean! Then things will come to you easier.
Good Luck, I hope you do the right thing.
What's the easiest way to dig up weeds that are deep and almost grass like?
i'd like to clear it out and put some plants, bushes, or flowers there. I'll rent a machine if I need to...thanks for your experience.
What's the easiest way to dig up weeds that are deep and almost grass like?
Tilling is one way, but often you will not get all the roots out. They will reappear in the spring. Herbicides do a good job of killing the plant, but if they have already seeded, you may have to reapply. If your soil is good for the types of plants you wish to grow and you can dig in it fairly easily already, the herbicide has the benefit that the roots will rot and leave space for air as well as providing nutrients for your new plants. The main thing is to not make this too difficult. Get out there and do something...even if it's wrong you will have learned. BTW always read and follow the directions on the label.
Reply:Depends on how big an area---I usually burn them out with a propane torch or a larger unit that you can buy that attaches to a 20 lb propane tank...burn em and let them sit a few days or so before digging them up with a flat spade shovel or sod knife. Till the soil if necessary to expose and kill the roots.
Reply:Weeds like dandelion are best dealt with by treating with a weed pen or weed stick. If you are talking about clearing an area of general weeds then perhaps burning them out would be a good idea. you can hire burners from most hire shops.
Reply:If you wait to kill them it would be easier. I use Vinegar and water 1/2 and 1/2.
isotoner slippers
What's the easiest way to dig up weeds that are deep and almost grass like?
Tilling is one way, but often you will not get all the roots out. They will reappear in the spring. Herbicides do a good job of killing the plant, but if they have already seeded, you may have to reapply. If your soil is good for the types of plants you wish to grow and you can dig in it fairly easily already, the herbicide has the benefit that the roots will rot and leave space for air as well as providing nutrients for your new plants. The main thing is to not make this too difficult. Get out there and do something...even if it's wrong you will have learned. BTW always read and follow the directions on the label.
Reply:Depends on how big an area---I usually burn them out with a propane torch or a larger unit that you can buy that attaches to a 20 lb propane tank...burn em and let them sit a few days or so before digging them up with a flat spade shovel or sod knife. Till the soil if necessary to expose and kill the roots.
Reply:Weeds like dandelion are best dealt with by treating with a weed pen or weed stick. If you are talking about clearing an area of general weeds then perhaps burning them out would be a good idea. you can hire burners from most hire shops.
Reply:If you wait to kill them it would be easier. I use Vinegar and water 1/2 and 1/2.
isotoner slippers
Weed Help?
So i have to take a pee test for some urine infection they neeed to see if it got cleared up, is there anyway the could see if theres weed in my system by that? i smoked like 4 days ago, so i know its in my system, but can they tell even if its not a drug test?
Weed Help?
They will not be testing for drugs,just for bacteria so you should be okay.
Reply:Not for a urine test. they have to do a drug test to find weed. Im an er nurse and we do urine testing all the time for urinary no they cannot tell for just a urine test.
Reply:probably not because they probably won't do a tox screen on It
Reply:You'll be fine. The lab doesn't test for that when evaluating for a uti.
Weed Help?
They will not be testing for drugs,just for bacteria so you should be okay.
Reply:Not for a urine test. they have to do a drug test to find weed. Im an er nurse and we do urine testing all the time for urinary no they cannot tell for just a urine test.
Reply:probably not because they probably won't do a tox screen on It
Reply:You'll be fine. The lab doesn't test for that when evaluating for a uti.
We have lots of weeds that are toxic to ponies. How do we go about getting rid of them?
We live on ten wooded acres with about an acre clear for our home. Can we keep the pony in the wooded area? We are going to thin it out but we need to keep enough trees in order to get our tax break.
We have lots of weeds that are toxic to ponies. How do we go about getting rid of them?
Sure, you can keep your horse on wooded acreage. There might not be as much grass produced there as in an open field but that doesn't matter much.
To kill your weeds, use an herbicide called "2,4-D." This is a broadleaf herbicide so it will kill weeds but not grass. It is generally easy to find in stores. You only have to keep the horses off the pasture until the spray is dried.
Do not use Roundup unless you want to kill your grass as well. Roundup kills any plant it comes in contact with.
Reply:You can kill the weeds (preferably before you bring the pony home) and you can keep him in a wooded area. The only caution is, he might take a liking to eating tree bark in the winter (2 of my 4 do it). If they strip it off all the way around the trunk, the tree dies in the second year. To keep him from ruining too many trees, you should fence off a smaller area to keep him in during the winter. This will limit the damage he can do to too many trees.
Reply:Go to your local tack-feed or agg co-op and get a broad leaf herbicide and spray it in the field. It will get rid of all the toxic plants and leave all the grass and plants that are beneficial to the horse. Good luck
Reply:yes... you can keep you ponies in the wooded area just be sure to keep them feed because the wooded area can only feed them so much i recomend stocking up on hay before it gets to expenssive
you might aslo try round up or other weed killers...warning this can get expenssive
Reply:Hmmm. The weeds don't seem to be working, huh? If you really want to get rid of the ponies, you could probably try planting Hemlock. Or in worst case scenario, you could shoot the ponies. You'll want to use a higher caliber.
Reply:Round up, in a mixture of soapy water spray the plants .. Round up will not hurt your horses.
Reply:u can take hot soapy water and dump on the weeds that will make 99% poisionus weeds go away.
Reply:get a few goats to munch down the weeds...those things can eat anything!
We have lots of weeds that are toxic to ponies. How do we go about getting rid of them?
Sure, you can keep your horse on wooded acreage. There might not be as much grass produced there as in an open field but that doesn't matter much.
To kill your weeds, use an herbicide called "2,4-D." This is a broadleaf herbicide so it will kill weeds but not grass. It is generally easy to find in stores. You only have to keep the horses off the pasture until the spray is dried.
Do not use Roundup unless you want to kill your grass as well. Roundup kills any plant it comes in contact with.
Reply:You can kill the weeds (preferably before you bring the pony home) and you can keep him in a wooded area. The only caution is, he might take a liking to eating tree bark in the winter (2 of my 4 do it). If they strip it off all the way around the trunk, the tree dies in the second year. To keep him from ruining too many trees, you should fence off a smaller area to keep him in during the winter. This will limit the damage he can do to too many trees.
Reply:Go to your local tack-feed or agg co-op and get a broad leaf herbicide and spray it in the field. It will get rid of all the toxic plants and leave all the grass and plants that are beneficial to the horse. Good luck
Reply:yes... you can keep you ponies in the wooded area just be sure to keep them feed because the wooded area can only feed them so much i recomend stocking up on hay before it gets to expenssive
you might aslo try round up or other weed killers...warning this can get expenssive
Reply:Hmmm. The weeds don't seem to be working, huh? If you really want to get rid of the ponies, you could probably try planting Hemlock. Or in worst case scenario, you could shoot the ponies. You'll want to use a higher caliber.
Reply:Round up, in a mixture of soapy water spray the plants .. Round up will not hurt your horses.
Reply:u can take hot soapy water and dump on the weeds that will make 99% poisionus weeds go away.
Reply:get a few goats to munch down the weeds...those things can eat anything!
Gardening Fruits and Veggies in a clear plastic box? And lawn trouble?
Ok here's my problem, I want to plan my own garden this year. I mean like the whole enchilada. (Speaking lawn, gardening, everything). The kind of yard that I have is hard, so my mother suggested to me that maybe i could put my veggies and ect. in clear storage boxes and have them on the patio. I thought that was a good idea but i don't know how many quarts the box needs to be.
And also I am trying to fix my lawn too because it looks kinda shitty. So i was going to get a few of the Miracle Grow fertilizers with like crabgrass control and another with weed control and mix them together and pour them around the yard. Any advice please?
Gardening Fruits and Veggies in a clear plastic box? And lawn trouble?
Do NOT mix together herbicides or fertilizers that have been packaged together. Don't be playing with those chemicals unless you know what is what.
Use a preemergent to stop weeds from sprouting. Apply one herbacide at a time, then wait. They susally take a while to work.
Fertilize per package directions. And next time use half as much.
Just grow your veggies in normal pots if you aren't going to plant them. A #5, or 5 gallon as they are called, will be big enough. They are about a foot across and about that deep too.
You're asking for a semster's worth of info in a few paragraphs. Get a good gardening book and read lots. Then get two more books and read them.
Reply:what do you mean that your lawn looks shitty? because you could reseed it with kentucky blue grass, one of the best grass type there is. and garden, what type of soil do you have? sand? clay?
And also I am trying to fix my lawn too because it looks kinda shitty. So i was going to get a few of the Miracle Grow fertilizers with like crabgrass control and another with weed control and mix them together and pour them around the yard. Any advice please?
Gardening Fruits and Veggies in a clear plastic box? And lawn trouble?
Do NOT mix together herbicides or fertilizers that have been packaged together. Don't be playing with those chemicals unless you know what is what.
Use a preemergent to stop weeds from sprouting. Apply one herbacide at a time, then wait. They susally take a while to work.
Fertilize per package directions. And next time use half as much.
Just grow your veggies in normal pots if you aren't going to plant them. A #5, or 5 gallon as they are called, will be big enough. They are about a foot across and about that deep too.
You're asking for a semster's worth of info in a few paragraphs. Get a good gardening book and read lots. Then get two more books and read them.
Reply:what do you mean that your lawn looks shitty? because you could reseed it with kentucky blue grass, one of the best grass type there is. and garden, what type of soil do you have? sand? clay?
When are you in the clear of miscarriage?
I am 5 weeks pregnant this wednesday and had just found out last week and before I knew I was drinking kind of heavy but not really, and smoking cig.'s and weed. I know this sounds bad but I'm beign truthful so I can get an accurate answer..I have stopped all those things the day I found out, except cig.'s i just quit a couple days ago..I'm feeling fine and my doctor gave me blood test's and my HCG hormone has doubled in 48 hours which is normal he said. So can I be in the clear of miscarriage or can there still be a possibility?..thank you for the feedback, and please no negitive comments..
When are you in the clear of miscarriage?
Women are never in the clear of possibly losing their baby, but the chances of you losing your child because of the "partying" you did early on is slim.
I say this because I belong to a group were women who followed every guidline and instruction and never drank, smoked or anything lost their babies in 2nd and 3rd trimesters. I myself lost my daughter at 16 weeks (2nd trimester) and the cause was labeled unknow fetal demise.
Thats not meant to scare you at all, just know some women do drink and smoke before they know they're expecting and have a very successful pregnancy and a normal healthy baby.
Best of luck to you and congrats!
Reply:They say usually if you make it past the 3 month mark you are ok. But I would make sure you don't continue any of those bad habits... because you can have other risks to the baby Besides losing it. Such as Birth defects, low birth weight and preterm labor.
Reply:if you got medical attention then dont owrry about a possibility of a misscarage.
ur going to be fine
and i hope that the pregnacy goes well :]
Reply:unfortunately you're never really 'clear' of having a miscarriage. However the chances of having one significantly decrease once you get past the first trimester at 12 weeks. Good Luck!!
Reply:well i always heard that there is always a chance of miscarriage within the first trimester . After that you are usually in the clear. Also the doctors always told me it doesnt matter what you did before you knew , it matters what you do after you knew. So i think if you are careful, you will probably be fine. Good job and quiting everything.
Reply:There's always the possibility of miscarriage, unfortunately, until late in the game and then it's called a stillborn.
But don't worry about what you did before you found out you were pregnant, just do the best you can for you and your baby from here on out. Good luck!
Reply:miscarraiges can occur up to about 12 or 13 weeks i think, well done for giving all the bad habits up, try not to worry too much and enjoy your pregnancy and good luck x
leather casual sandals
When are you in the clear of miscarriage?
Women are never in the clear of possibly losing their baby, but the chances of you losing your child because of the "partying" you did early on is slim.
I say this because I belong to a group were women who followed every guidline and instruction and never drank, smoked or anything lost their babies in 2nd and 3rd trimesters. I myself lost my daughter at 16 weeks (2nd trimester) and the cause was labeled unknow fetal demise.
Thats not meant to scare you at all, just know some women do drink and smoke before they know they're expecting and have a very successful pregnancy and a normal healthy baby.
Best of luck to you and congrats!
Reply:They say usually if you make it past the 3 month mark you are ok. But I would make sure you don't continue any of those bad habits... because you can have other risks to the baby Besides losing it. Such as Birth defects, low birth weight and preterm labor.
Reply:if you got medical attention then dont owrry about a possibility of a misscarage.
ur going to be fine
and i hope that the pregnacy goes well :]
Reply:unfortunately you're never really 'clear' of having a miscarriage. However the chances of having one significantly decrease once you get past the first trimester at 12 weeks. Good Luck!!
Reply:well i always heard that there is always a chance of miscarriage within the first trimester . After that you are usually in the clear. Also the doctors always told me it doesnt matter what you did before you knew , it matters what you do after you knew. So i think if you are careful, you will probably be fine. Good job and quiting everything.
Reply:There's always the possibility of miscarriage, unfortunately, until late in the game and then it's called a stillborn.
But don't worry about what you did before you found out you were pregnant, just do the best you can for you and your baby from here on out. Good luck!
Reply:miscarraiges can occur up to about 12 or 13 weeks i think, well done for giving all the bad habits up, try not to worry too much and enjoy your pregnancy and good luck x
leather casual sandals
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