Saturday, November 14, 2009

How long does it take for Hash to get out of your system?

How long will it take for hash to get out of my i clear a drug test...same thing for weed...are there any pills or medicines i can take over the counter..which will help me clean it..and pass the drug test....

How long does it take for Hash to get out of your system?
No there is no medicine or pills that could help you with this (even when some guys try to sell something like that to you).

How long it takes until your urin is clean depends on how much you consumed a day. With every day consume it will take at least 4 weeks to get clean, but more probably 6 to 8 weeks.

You can help your body getting clean when you flush your system by drinking at least 3quarts of water or tea every day.

To be sure to get clean, I wouldn't consume it for min. 8weeks.

P.S: excuse my english, it's been a while....

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