Saturday, November 14, 2009

Is it okay to cover a rabbit hole?

I live in an apartment complex and I when I went to clear out the weeds in my backyard I found holes. I know they aren't snake holes because I've seen something taking the weeds down into the hole. Can I just cover it up with dirt or how can I make it go away? I'm getting ready to put down squares of grass since spring is here!

Is it okay to cover a rabbit hole?
Rabbit control - from:

"Another repellent you can try is COYOTE URINE.

This has long been believed to naturally repel

several small animals since coyote will feed

on just about anything they can find. Rats, mice,

squirrel, chipmunks and rabbits all seem to be

afraid of coyote and coyote urine is a sure

sign some are in the area. Apply it along property

lines to keep rabbits out of your yard. It is

best to use some in several areas effectively

establishing a round zone or barrier through

which rabbits will not be able to enter."
Reply:You can try covering up the holes, but the rodents will just dig through the sod.

The only way to stop this is to trap or poison the rodents.

If it is a rabbit he may move on after the grass gets cut a few times, but gophers will stay until trapped out and manually removed.
Reply:Rabbits don't dig holes. I betting it's something else.
Reply:im pretty sure that they will just dig up the dirt or once you plae the grass down dig that up to

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