Saturday, November 14, 2009

My city has cleared a large amount of weeds and brush behind my house and now have a mosquito problem?

The city started on this project 4 days ago (oh ya, no its not our property) and with in a day the mosquito's swormed the house they are in the 1000's. My husband has sprayed to try to get rid of them and it didn't work. Now i am working on calling the Health department and the city but will the resolve it? What should we do?

My city has cleared a large amount of weeds and brush behind my house and now have a mosquito problem?
Use a 20-gallon hose-end sprayer to spray the area with a mixture of 1 cup each of lemon-scented ammonia and lemon-scented dish soap. Spray 3 times a week either early in the morning or late in the evening. Neither the ammonia nor the dishwashing soap will harm your grass or plants.

Also, get rid of any standing water where they breed.
Reply:They should move on, they have been disturbed and are trying to get away. With sunlight and dryer conditions, this problem should take care of itself. Mosquitoes need standing water to reproduce so get rid of all the standing water, add sun light, no more mosquitoes.

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